- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/gsettings-qt
Branch merges
- Lars Karlitski: Pending requested
- Diff: 0 lines
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 84. By Dmitry Shachnev
Update debian/
libgsettings- qt1.symbols with the latest symbols changes. - 82. By Timo Jyrinki
* Build against Qt 5.6.
* Adjust test running to changes in Qt 5.6.
* debian/control: don't use transitional package names
* Update symbols. - 80. By Albert Astals Cid
Use QChar toUpper/toLower instead of C version
C version works according to the locale that is not what we want in here
since in some locales there's not capital versions for some of the latin1
characters (i.e. Turkish will return i for toupper('i')) so when we try to
go back to the dashed version it will fail Fixes: #1556461
Approved by: Nick Dedekind, Michael Zanetti - 78. By Albert Astals Cid
Disconnect signal handler on destruction
When running unity8 under valgrind sometimes I get
==31122== Invalid read of size 8
==31122== at 0x620DB42: QMetaObject::invokeMethod( QObject* , char const*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnA rgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x1C7C63EE: invokeMethod (qobjectdefs.h:391)
==31122== by 0x1C7C63EE: QGSettingsPrivate::settingChan ged(_GSettings* , char const*, void*) (qgsettings.cpp:40)
==31122== by 0x129DAA59: g_cclosure_marshal_ VOID__STRINGv (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x129D81D3: _g_closure_invoke_ va (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x129F29D5: g_signal_emit_valist (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x129F30BE: g_signal_emit (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x138478EB: g_settings_real_change_ event (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgio- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x14540D8F: ffi_call_unix64 (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libffi. so.6.0. 4)
==31122== by 0x145407F7: ffi_call (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libffi. so.6.0. 4)
==31122== by 0x129D8CF4: g_cclosure_marshal_ generic_ va (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x129D81D3: _g_closure_invoke_ va (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== by 0x129F24E7: g_signal_emit_valist (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libgobject- 2.0.so. 0.4700. 1)
==31122== Address 0x1dbaa450 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 24 free'd
==31122== at 0x4C2D28B: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc. c:575)
==31122== by 0x622CD2A: QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren () (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x623661F: QObject::~QObject() (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x1C5BB7AD: ~QQmlElement (qqmlprivate.h:98)
==31122== by 0x1C5BB7AD: QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement< GSettingsQml> ::~QQmlElement( ) (qqmlprivate.h:98)
==31122== by 0x622CD2A: QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren () (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x623661F: QObject::~QObject() (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x53E886C: QQuickItem::~QQuickItem( ) (qquickitem. cpp:2223)
==31122== by 0x5402DED: ~QQuickRectangle (qquickrectangle_p.h:128)
==31122== by 0x5402DED: ~QQmlElement (qqmlprivate.h:98)
==31122== by 0x5402DED: QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement< QQuickRectangle >::~QQmlElement () (qqmlprivate.h:98)
==31122== by 0x622F66F: QObject::event( QEvent* ) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x53E66BA: QQuickItem::event( QEvent* ) (qquickitem. cpp:7302)
==31122== by 0x61FDDE8: QCoreApplication::notify( QObject* , QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x61FDF1A: QCoreApplication::notifyIntern al(QObject* , QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Core. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== Block was alloc'd at
==31122== at 0x4C2C12F: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc. c:333)
==31122== by 0x1C5BD113: GSettingsQml::componentCompl ete() (gsettings- qml.cpp: 141)
==31122== by 0x5E25421: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5DB22E9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5DB2B9E: QQmlEnginePrivate::incubate( QQmlIncubator& , QQmlContextData*) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5DAE4EB: QQmlComponent::create( QQmlIncubator& , QQmlContext*, QQmlContext*) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5498859: QQuickLoaderPrivate::_ q_sourceLoaded( ) (qquickloader. cpp:713)
==31122== by 0x54989F7: QQuickLoaderPrivate::load( ) (qquickloader. cpp:596)
==31122== by 0x5E25421: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5DADEAD: QQmlComponentPrivate:: complete( QQmlEnginePriva te*, QQmlComponentPr ivate:: ConstructionSta te*) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5DADF76: QQmlComponentPrivate:: completeCreate( ) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2)
==31122== by 0x5DADDDF: QQmlComponent::create( QQmlContext* ) (in /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ libQt5Qml. so.5.4. 2) Which as far as i understand means that the QGSettingsPriva
te::settingChan ged is being called even if GSettingsQml has already been destroyed. By disconnecting the signal handler I have not been able to reproduce the valgrind warning anymore
Approved by: Lars Uebernickel
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)