Merge lp://qastaging/~ted-m-cox/serverguide/virtbugfix into lp://qastaging/serverguide/trunk

Proposed by Ted Cox
Status: Rejected
Rejected by: Doug Smythies
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~ted-m-cox/serverguide/virtbugfix
Merge into: lp://qastaging/serverguide/trunk
Diff against target: 0 lines
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~ted-m-cox/serverguide/virtbugfix
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Doug Smythies Disapprove
Review via email:

Description of the change

The punctuation in bug 1451913 was fixed with a previous commit.

I linked this unchanged branch to close this big. If there's an easier way to do this, please let me know.

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Revision history for this message
Doug Smythies (dsmythies) wrote :

Ya, Ted: You can link bug reports to branches manually whenever you want. For example, it is common for me to forget to link things properly during an initial commit.
You can also just set the bug report to "fix committed" or "fix released", as required.

I'm going to reject this MP, as it is a noop anyhow.

review: Disapprove

Unmerged revisions

252. By Ted Cox <email address hidden>

Bug 1451913 was fixed by an earlier commit.

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