
Created by Nils Maier and last modified
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Nils Maier
Global menubar extension

Recent revisions

149. By Nils Maier

Less intrusive enabling of nativeView in the Places menus

- Override the ctor itself, in the least intrusive way.
  Other extensions having the same idea will still likely work
- Also fixes a (possible) regression from the "pollution" rewrite:
  Do not call the original and an overlaid opopupshowing handler.
  This was fixed by not having to deal with handlers at all now

148. By Nils Maier

Rewrite the thunderbird JS/XUL integration

- Do not pollute the shared javascript namespace
- "use strict" for good measure

147. By Nils Maier

Rewrite the firefox XUL/JS integration

- Do not pollute the shared javascript namespace
- Do not define new handlers in XUL
- "use strict" for good measure

146. By Chris Coulson

Releasing 1.0.2

145. By Chris Coulson

Fix LP: #766151 - Create the correct event for popuphiding and popuphidden

144. By Chris Coulson

Releasing 1.0.1

143. By Chris Coulson

Remove the previous hacks we had on the popupshowing handlers for the
bookmarks and history menus, where we instantiated a PlacesMenu (or HistoryMenu), changed
some data to allow the menu to work properly and then rebuilt it (causing the menu to be
built twice). We do this by subclassing PlacesMenu and HistoryMenu. This way is more
efficient and also fixes some exceptions we were seeing inside the PlacesView code about
missing _DOMElement attributes

142. By Chris Coulson

Fix LP: #749450 - work around a Firefox bug by manually clearing
the _DOMElement from each placesNode when rebuilding bookmarks/history menus.
This avoids us retaining out-of-date information on each node which results in
future calls to nsIDOMNode.removeChild() to throw (because the child doesn't exist)

141. By Chris Coulson

Releasing 1.0

140. By Chris Coulson

Remove the hack we had to add placeholder entries to empty menus
so that we could get an about-to-show signal, now that LP: #619811 is fixed)

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