
Created by Timo Jyrinki and last modified
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Timo Jyrinki

Recent revisions

9. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/fix_number_precision_qjsondocument.patch_8e8becdc.patch:
  - Cherry-pick from upstream (LP: #1181359)

8. By Dmitry Shachnev

* Merge with Debian experimental, remaining changes:
  - Remove firebird and ibase dependencies
  - Build-depend on libxkbcommon-dev
  - Maintainer fields and Vcs-Bzr
  - Provides: qt-default to qt5-default
  - Add patches:
    + make_QColor_understand_AARRGGBB.patch
    + add_since_52_to_new_QColor_features.patch
    + disable_overlay_scrollbars.diff
    + fix_maliit_activation.patch
    + 0001-Implement-XEmbed-protocol.patch
    + enable_appmenu_support.diff
    + inputmethod_fix_focusout.patch
  - Use our symbols files

7. By Timo Jyrinki

[ Ken VanDine ]
* debian/patches/0001-Implement-XEmbed-protocol.patch
  - Backport patch that adds xembed support, needed for Ubuntu Online
    Accounts in gnome-control-center

[ Michael Terry ]
* debian/control, debian/rules:
  - Enable gles support even when not on arm. We still use
    full GL on non-arm platforms, but we still offer the EGL API.

[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* New upstream version
* Add patches contributed to upstream Gerrit:
  - debian/patches/add_since_52_to_new_QColor_features.patch (LP: #1174589)
  - debian/patches/inputmethod_fix_focusout.patch (LP: #1174547)
  - debian/patches/make_QColor_understand_AARRGGBB.patch (LP: #1174589)
* Cherry-pick a fix from upstream to build with GCC 4.8
  - debian/patches/rename_qabs_function_for_timeval.patch
* Build-depend on libxkbcommon-dev (LP: #1177496)
* Update XEmbed patch from upstream Gerrit
* Make sqlite the first recommended SQL plugin, remove ibase

[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Re-sync with current Debian packaging Git.
* Add debian/patches/disable_overlay_scrollbars.diff, forward-ported
  from qt4-x11 packaging (LP: #1170384).

[ Scott Kitterman ]
* Revert debian/patches/enable_appmenu_support.diff for saucy as agreed
  since appmenu for saucy will use qpa

[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* Re-syncs until Debian experimental 5.0.2+dfsg1-4, remaining changes:
  - Remove firebird dependency and ibase
  - Maintainer fields and Vcs-Bzr
  - Provides: qt-default to qt5-default
  - Build depend on libxkbcommon-dev
  - 7 upstream and Ubuntu patches mentioned above
* As requested, temporarily re-add the appmenu support until qpa
  plugin support is ready. Easily revertable.

6. By Timo Jyrinki

[ Ɓukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* debian/patches/enable_appmenu_support.diff:
  - Add base-ported support for the Ubuntu global appmenu (LP: #1126205)
* debian/rules:
  - Enable appmenu support when building the package

[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* Add build dependency on libgtk2.0-dev (and libatk1.0-dev) for
  gtkstyle support (LP: #1126210)
* Add Vcs-Bzr for ~kubuntu-packagers
* Because qt5.conf was moved to qtbase5-dev, depend on it from
  qt5-default. This means standalone development binaries like
  qmlscene cannot be used from the default path without installing
  development headers. Use deep paths instead.
* Fix qmake-qt5 package description (LP: #1133196)

5. By Martin Pitt

No-change rebuild against libudev1

4. By Michael Terry

* debian/control:
  - Drop support for firebird, as it isn't in main

3. By Matthias Klose

Undefined B0 in qpagedpaintdevice.h too (already done in qprinter.h).
No comment on using two letter capital identifiers as enum values in
a public API. LP: #1125949.

2. By Timo Jyrinki

Initial release.

1. By Timo Jyrinki

Import upstream version 5.0.1+dfsg

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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