
Created by Tony Byrne and last modified
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Tony Byrne

Recent revisions

642. By Tony Byrne <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

merge trunk

641. By Tony Byrne <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

enhances templatetools.update_file_content
original version forces template writer to write convoluted code

for instance ubuntu-application.package.py contains
    # Prepend the start-match line, because update_file_content replaces it

I needed to remove a try/except block from a template
but this function kept the end marker (\n pass\n)
the best I could do with original function was to replace it by

includes tests

640. By Tony Byrne <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

some test_templatetools improvement

639. By Tony Byrne <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

enhances templatetools.update_file_content
original version forces template writer to write convoluted code

for instance ubuntu-application.package.py contains
    # Prepend the start-match line, because update_file_content replaces it

I needed to remove a try/except block from a template
but this function kept the end marker (\n pass\n)
the best I could do with original function was to replace it by

638. By Michael Terry

fix upgrade errors around Builder.py

637. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

use gtk2 version of glade

636. By Michael Terry

translation update

635. By Michael Terry

allow upgrading old projects's use of PyGI to PyGObject

634. By Michael Terry

update version to 11.09

633. By Michael Terry

translation and NEWS update

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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