Merge lp://qastaging/~truiz/stoqdrivers/vauxoo-mp4000 into lp://qastaging/~stoq-dev/stoqdrivers/master

Proposed by Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~truiz/stoqdrivers/vauxoo-mp4000
Merge into: lp://qastaging/~stoq-dev/stoqdrivers/master
Diff against target: 625 lines (+597/-2)
3 files modified
stoqdrivers/printers/ (+1/-1)
stoqdrivers/printers/bematech/ (+594/-0)
stoqdrivers/printers/ (+2/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~truiz/stoqdrivers/vauxoo-mp4000
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ronaldo Maia Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Drivers for Bematech MP4000 TH FI

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579. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Added method for reading and parsing transactions in a given period

580. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Documentation

581. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[FIX] deleted duplicated function, added documentation and a new function for parsins transactions

582. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Added suport for credit notes

583. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[FIX] Removed debug messages, added extra parmeter to decide where to send transactions, added command for refunds

584. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[MERGE] From main branch

Unmerged revisions

584. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[MERGE] From main branch

583. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[FIX] Removed debug messages, added extra parmeter to decide where to send transactions, added command for refunds

582. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Added suport for credit notes

581. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[FIX] deleted duplicated function, added documentation and a new function for parsins transactions

580. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Documentation

579. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Added method for reading and parsing transactions in a given period

578. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Addes command to read printer transactions

577. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[FIX] Fixed _get_bytes tu support n-bytes commands

576. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[FIX] Added proper method for reading sensors

575. By Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)

[IMP] Deleted debus messages, added some documentation and paymente methids

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