
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/debian/jessie/ipxe
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

10. By Bastian Blank

New snapshot.

9. By Julián Moreno Patiño

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Add missing export in d/rules.
* Change syslinux to syslinux-common in B-D. (Closes: #750349)

8. By Bastian Blank

Don't use libiberty. (closes: #730910)

7. By Bastian Blank

* New snapshot.
* Add undionly.kkpxe. (closes: #671340)
* Ignore result of update-grub invocation. (closes: #660459)
* Mark packages as multi-arch foreign. (closes: #728476)
* Use debhelper 9.
* Remove old breaks relations.
* Add 64-bit EFI images:
  - Build-depend on binutils-dev, zlib1g-dev.
  - Add combined EFI/legacy images for qemu.
  - Properly clean build dir.
* Install images in ipxe-qemu to match names used by qemu:
  - Add compatility symlink for e1000_82540.
  - Use dh-exec to allow renames in dh_install.

6. By Bastian Blank

* Fix to break qemu-system instead of qemu. (closes: #658982)
* Make ipxe-qemu break and replace ipxe. (closes: #658684)
* Add link for ipxe.lkrn, so all images can be found in one location.

5. By Bastian Blank

* Fix grub setup and restrict entry by default. (closes: #658465)
* Install only combined images into ipxe package.
* Install rom images needed for qemu into ipxe-qemu package.
  - Add breaks against qemu and qemu-kvm.
* Disable rom banner timeout. (closes: #638574)

4. By Bastian Blank

* New snapshot.
* Disable ath9k roms.
* Fix tg3 build.
* Create grub entry. (closes: #626238)
* Override version string with package version.

3. By Bastian Blank

New snapshot.

2. By Bastian Blank

Add some missing copyrights and licenses to the copyright files.

1. By Bastian Blank

Import upstream version 1.0.0+git-1.293e34

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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