
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

25. By Julian Andres Klode

* Merge with Ubuntu, remaining changes:
  - Drop driver handling
  - Drop Ubuntu release upgrade thing
  - Do not use dh-translations
  - Use copyright-format 1.0 for debian/copyright

24. By Julian Andres Klode

* Merge with Ubuntu saucy.
* Disable Ubuntu stuff like drivers and new releases (Closes: #666869)

23. By Julian Andres Klode

Merge with Ubuntu 12.04 ("precise") LTS

22. By Julian Andres Klode

Fix the GPL-3 license statement to refer to GPL-3, not LGPL-3

21. By Luciano Bello

* Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team.
* incorrect ssl certificate validation:
  - softwareproperties/ppa.py: use pycurl to download the signing key
  - debian/control: add python-pycurl dependency.
  - CVE-2011-4407

20. By Piotr Ożarowski

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Rebuild to add Python 2.7 support.

19. By Julian Andres Klode

* Disable sources refreshing on KDE and drop qapt-batch dependency.
* softwareproperties/kde/CdromProgress.py:
  - Fix python-apt 0.8 progress->progress.base incompatibility

18. By Julian Andres Klode

* Rebase Debian package against Ubuntu maverick one.
* python-apt 0.8 conform (Closes: #572350)
* softwareproperties/gtk/CdromProgress.py:
  - Fix python-apt 0.8 progress->progress.base incompatibility
* Move to debhelper 7 and dh_python2

17. By Jordi Mallach

* Reintroduce dropped changes from 0.60.debian-1.1 NMU.
* Add manpages for software-properties-gtk and -kde.
  Thanks, Timo Jyrinki! (closes: #458471).

16. By Jordi Mallach

* Fix all pending l10n issues from the BTS. Add updates for:
  - Slovak (closes: #439073, #441623, #531772).
  - Finnish (closes: #497714).
  - Japanese (closes: #454290).
  - Swedish (closes: #517504).
  - Czech (closes: #590820).
  - Brazilian Portuguese (closes: #593693).
  - Catalan (closes: #494174).
* Fix errors in desktop file (closes: #453470).
* Actually install .mo files. Thanks, Kenshi Muto and Mika Hanhijärvi
  (closes: #454280, #502582).
* Fix glade markup in Popcon message, so it can show up in the dialog
  (closes: #509010, #505287).
* Change default distro from sarge (!) to squeeze (closes: #418106).
* Use su-to-root instead of gksu (closes: #479827).
* Replace "Kubuntu" with "Debian" in the KDE frontend (closes: #577871).
* Get rid of the bogus "urd" translation.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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