
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

52. By Ansgar Burchardt

Have gnome.mk use xz compression by default.
Closes: bug#683819.

51. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

* Fix resolve default CXXFLAGS.
* Set urgency=high as above one-line fix affects ability of other
  packages to reach release goal of enabling security hardening.

50. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

does not include branch of current package.

49. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

Fix invoke dpkg-shlibdeps (not only strip) in per-package dir in
Closes: bug#661962. Thanks (again) to Felipe Sateler.

48. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

* Have cmake.mk by default include CPPFLAGS in CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS.
  Closes: bug#668820. Thanks to Simon Ruderich.
* Use anonscm.debian.org for Vcs-Browser field.
* Extend my copyright for Debian packaging.

47. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

* Fix use pkglibexecdir (not libexecdir) inside makefile snippets.
* Update autotools (with autoreconf -f -i).

46. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

Revert to set libexecdir to /usr/lib/$pkg (causes massive FTBFS).
Closes: bug#663082. Reopens: bug#661983. Thanks to Michael Biebl.

45. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

* Fix set libexecdir to /usr/lib (not /usr/lib/$pkg) in
  Closes: bug#661983. Thanks to RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont.
* Fix strip PD libraries below per-package install dirs (only for
  single-binary-package below debian/tmp).
  Closes: Bug#661983. Thanks to Felipe Sateler.
* Fix set CPPFLAGS (not bogus CPPLAGS) in langcore.mk.
  Closes: bug#651964. Thanks (again) to Simon Ruderich and Moritz
* Fix create cruft subdirs before using them in utils.mk. Bump
  resolved build-dependency on cdbs as cruft handling was completely
  broken previously.
* Handle FFLAGS in langcore.mk.
* Re-issue news about changes to compiler flags:
  + LDFLAGS was broken when previously announced (in 0.4.103).
  + FFLAGS in also handled now.
  + Advertise use of /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk, now supported
    but explicitly required as it clashes with flags explicitly set or
    unset locally in rules files.
    Closes: bug#651966, #642950. Thanks to Simon Ruderich and Raphael
* Fix Makefile.am to use pkglibexec_SCRIPTS and avoid libexecdir.
* Update autotools (with autoreconf -f -i).
* Update copyright file:
  + Fix double-indent copyright lines.
  + Extend copyright years for automade files.
  + Add copyright holders for Makefile.in files.

44. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

Fix resolve buildflags in langcore.mk (cdbs_expand_nondefaultvar
expansion never used fallback value).

43. By Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>

[ Peter Eisentraut ]
* Remove myself from Uploaders.

[ Jonas Smedegaard ]
* Remove copyright_newhints both in clean target and after succesful
  copyright check.

Branch metadata

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