
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

11. By Fabien Tassin

[ Fabien Tassin <email address hidden> ]
* Mention 'Chrome' in the main package description (LP: #561667)
  - update debian/control
* When 'gclient update' fails, clear up the cache and retry. This helps
  the channels updates often failing with a "Can't switch the checkout" error
  - update debian/rules

[ Chris Coulson <email address hidden> ]
* Update the default search URL
  - update debian/rules

10. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream release from the Beta Channel
  - Fix extensions installer where some extensions cannot be installed
    (issue 38220)
* Don't build with system zlib on Intrepid/Jaunty (needed to unbreak the
  backports). See http://crbug.com/38073
  - update debian/rules

9. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream release from the Beta Channel
  - fix an issue with Google SSL sites failing with 'error 107
    (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)' (issue 37722)
  - Automatic translations and greater control over content for privacy
  - Really, really reload. A normal reload causes the browser to check with
    the server before reusing its cached content. The server can decide
    whether or not the browser should use its cached content. A force reload
    causes the browser to ignore its cached content and ask the server for a
    fresh copy of the page. Use Shift+Reload to force a reload.
* Add libdbus-glib-1-dev to Build-Depends
  - update debian/control
* Move third_party/gles2_book from STRIPPED_DIRS to ALMOST_STRIPPED_DIRS
  as we now need its gyp file (but nothing else)
  - update debian/rules
* Bump gyp requirement to >= 0.1~svn795, it's needed for the new syntax
  - update debian/control
* Add 'timestats' to INSTALL_EXCLUDE_FILES
  - update debian/rules
* Import translations and mime-types from the upstream desktop file
  Thanks to Julien Lavergne <email address hidden> (LP: #538664)
  - update debian/chromium-browser.desktop
* Import the free SVG logo from the Chromium website and install it
  in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps (LP: #528640)
  - add debian/chromium-browser.svg
  - update debian/rules
* Move chromium-browser-inspector to Depends, it breaks some features
  when it's not installed
  - update debian/control
* Rename chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree into chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
  and move the two codecs back to Depends (LP: #537617, #513776)
  - update debian/control

8. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream release from the Beta Channel
  - Fixed an issue where an error resolving a proxy server would not try a
    direct connection. (Issue 32316)
  - Fixed an extensions bug that could crash the entire browser. (Issue 34778)
  - Fixed an issue in the cross-site scripting auditor that could prevent
    Google translate from working on sites. (Issue 33115)

7. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream release from the Beta Channel
  - Fixed a tab crash that could be triggered by visiting wordpress.com,
    http://acid3.acidtests.org/, and many other sites. (Issue 35498)
  - Fixed a tab crash in image loading. (Issue 32230)
  - Improved font bolding for fonts without native bold. (Issue 22360)
* Bump gyp Build-Depends to >= 0.1~svn785
  - update debian/control
* Add --no-circular-check to gyp_chromium to prevent gyp from failing
  - update debian/rules

6. By Fabien Tassin

* Disable WANT_SYSTEM_LIBS since it makes Gmail/GCal crash (libxml,
  libxslt, ..). See http://crbug.com/34725 (LP: #522078)
  - update debian/rules

5. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream release from the Beta Channel
* Re-add the -l10n strict version dependency on chromium-browser
  - update debian/control

4. By Fabien Tassin

* Drop third_party/libxml from STRIPPED_SYSTEM_LIB_DIRS
  - update debian/rules

3. By Fabien Tassin

* Add libxss-dev to Build-Depends, the new browser sync engine needs
  - update debian/control
* Add a safety net to get-orig-source when fetching sources for a channel
  - update debian/rules

2. By Fabien Tassin

[ Fabien Tassin <email address hidden> ]
* Initial release. (Closes: #520324, LP: #387765)

[ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ]
* extensive license review; see copyright and copyright.problems;
  also see debian/licensecheck.pl for details how the copyright files are
* address archive-admin comments:
  + add "Paul Hsieh's Public Domain Option" license snippet and mark
    net/disk_cache/hash.cc to be govered by that; recreate copyright*
    - add debian/licenses/LICENSE.Paul Hsieh's Public Domain Option
    - update debian/licensecheck.pl
    - update debian/copyright
    - update debian/copyright.problems

Branch metadata

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