
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

12. By Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@x200>


11. By Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@x200>

releasing version 0.5-0ubuntu1

10. By Scott Moser

mark this as 0.4, set UNRELEASED

9. By Scott Moser

avoid the 'cp' by putting the rename dir on same fs as image

While tempdir might be /tmp, the input to euca-bundle-image will
be a hardlink that lives on the same filesystem as the original image
file that was input

8. By Scott Moser

make --dry-run more functional. fix/work around Lp: #522292 again

7. By Scott Moser

fix failure if --kernel-file or --ramdisk-file not passed

6. By Scott Moser

uec-publish-image: add --kernel-file, --ramdisk-file flags

5. By Scott Moser

uec-publish-image: remove temp dir if --working-dir is given

4. By Scott Moser

use hard link instead of soft, work around euca2ools bug (LP: #522292)

3. By Dustin Kirkland 

[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* Makefile, debian/install: ditch the Makefile in favor of a debhelper
* uec-publish-image, uec-publish-tarball, uec-resize-image: add GPLv3
  headers to all scripts
* uec-publish-image: add a note about bashisms
* debian/copyright, uec-query-builds: clean up trailing whitespace
* debian/control:
  - improve the description
  - depend on python, python-yaml
* debian/manpages, uec-publish-tarball.1, uec-query-builds.1,
  uec-resize-image.1, uec-publish-image.1: add a first cut at manpages

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