
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

15. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release:
  - Never have a NULL URI in CouchdbSession (Rodrigo Moya)
  - Add missing contact name fields to desktopcouch API (Rodrigo Moya)
    (LP: #532930)
  - Include couchdb-glib directory when scanning desktopcouch for
    introspection (Rodrigo Moya)

14. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release:
  - Use correct includedir for desktopcouch-glib introspection (Rodrigo Moya)
  - Add missing header for free() (Andreas Jaeger)
  - Return TRUE in watch_timeout_cb (Andreas Jaeger)

13. By Ken VanDine

* debian/libdesktopcouch-glib-1.0-2.install, libcouchdb-glib-1.0-2.install
  - fixed up install files to match correct soname versioning

12. By Ken VanDine

* debian/control
  - fixed package versioning to match soname

11. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release (LP: #524653)
  - Version correctly ABI-breaking lib (Rodrigo Moya)

[ Ken VanDine ]
* debian/control
  - added build depends for libgnome-keyring-dev and libdbus-glib-1-dev
  - added depends for libjson-glib-dev to couchdb-glib-dev
  - added a breaks for libcouchdb-glib-1.0-1

10. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release:
  - Remove superfluous OAuth debug messages
  - Set a shorter timeout (1 minute) for localhost polling
  - Only return a CouchDBStructField in couchdb_struct_field_get_struct_field
    if the field exists (LP: #472465)
  - Fixed typo in postal address's street field name (LP: #451837)

9. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release:
  - Don't include non-OAuth URL parameters in OAuth header (LP: #444576)
  - Return TRUE in couchdb_document_delete when successful

8. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release:
  - Added API to manipulate IM addresses for contact records (LP: #415297)
  - Use instead of localhost for local couchdb instances
* debian/libcouchdb-glib-1.0-1.symbols
  - Added symbols

7. By Martin Pitt

[ Rodrigo Moya ]
* New upstream release: (LP: #426879)
  - Added changes notifications. (LP: #420435)
  - Added some API info to the README file.
  - Encode document UIDs when doing HTTP requests. (LP: #423746)
  - Added OAuth support. (LP: #423094)
* Added libssl-dev build dependency.

[ Martin Pitt ]
* Import into bzr, set Vcs-Bzr: field in debian/control.
* Add debian/libcouchdb-glib-1.0-1.symbols for proper shlibs generation.
* debian/control: Wrap build depends.
* debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3 (no changes needed).

6. By Rodrigo Moya

* Package upstream 0.4.5 release: (LP: #419160)
  - Add lots of new contact record fields (Rodrigo Moya)
  - Check presence of fields in JSON objects before accessing them to avoid
    lots of warnings (Rodrigo Moya)
  - Added functions to deal with URLs in contact documents (Rodrigo Moya)
  - Add uuid to list of pkg-config modules to look for (Rodrigo Moya)
* Skip 0ubuntu1 version number, that was a botched upload (Martin Pitt).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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