- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/lucid-proposed/openldap
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 29. By Robie Basak
* Fix replication when attr has no matching rule (LP: #903901):
- debian/patches/ fix-syncrepl- when-attr- has-no- matching- rule.patch:
backport fix from upstream
- debian/patches/ fix-syncrepl- when-attr- has-no- matching- rule-test. patch:
backport test from upstream - 28. By James Page
* Fix issue causing replication failures in SASL/GSSAPI configurations
(LP: #783836).
- debian/patches/ set.sock. err.to. EAGAIN. on.partial. write.patch: upstream
patch to provide better error handling for partial writes. - 27. By Mathias Gug
slapd.postinst: Properly index cn=localroot, cn=config olcAccess
line on upgrade from karmic.
(LP: #571057) - 26. By Mathias Gug
slapd.postinst: Properly index cn=localroot, cn=config olcAccess
line on upgrade from karmic.
(LP: #571057) - 25. By Mathias Gug
Fix local root connection access: replace olcAuthzRegexp mapping to
cn=localroot,cn=config with using the SASL dn directly in olcAccess.
Makes upgrades much simpler and robust (LP: #563829). - 24. By Scott Moser
[ Simon Olofsson ]
* debian/slapd.postinst:
- Show a message after successful migration (LP: #538848)[ Jorgen Rosink ]
* debian/slapd.init: add simple status checking with LSB compatible exit
codes (LP: #562377)
* debian/slapd.init. ldif:
- remove admin user in default config database (LP: #556176)
- in default config, add olcAccess entries giving access to controls
available and cn=subschema (LP: #427842)[ Scott Moser ]
* debian/slapd.scripts- common: Do not create /nonexistent directory
for openldap user's home (LP: #556176)
* debian/slapd.postinst: fix cn=config olcAccess migration (LP: #559070) - 23. By Thierry Carrez
* debian/
slapd.postinst, debian/ slapd.scripts- common: Upgrade databases
before trying to convert to slapd.d, to avoid upgrade failure from hardy
(LP: #536958)
* debian/slapd.postinst: Add a {1} numeric index to olcAccess entry in
olcDatabase={0}config. ldif to avoid upgrade failures (LP: #538516, #526230) - 21. By Mathias Gug
* New upstream release.
* debian/rules, debian/schema/ extra/:
Fix get-orig-source rule to supports extra schemas shipped as part of the
debian/schema/ directory. - 20. By Thierry Carrez
* debian/
patches/ gssapi. diff, thanks to Jerry Carter (Likewise):
- Add --with-gssapi support
- Make guess_service_principal( ) more robust when determining principal
* Enable GSSAPI support (LP: #495418):
- debian/configure. options: Configure with --with-gssapi
- debian/control: Added libkrb5-dev as a build depend
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/ubuntu/maverick/openldap