
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

28. By ghostonline

* Merge from debian testing. Remaining changes: (LP: #520281)
  - debian/rules:
    + Fix FTBFS with python >= 2.6
    + Include dh_icons
  - debian/patches/091_panel_category.dpatch:
    + Change GNOME panel category from "Utility" to the correct "Utilities".
  - debian/patches/092_typo_de_translation.dpatch:
    + Fix German translation typo
  - debian/patches/00list:
    + Include 040_xhtml.dpatch
* Rename Ubuntu specific patches to avoid confusion with Debian's patches:
  - 91_panel_category.dpatch -> 091_panel_category.dpatch
  - 92_typo_de_translation.dpatch -> 092_typo_de_translation.dpatch
* debian/patches/00list: Update with new Ubuntu specific patch names
* Dropped changes now applied upstream:
  - debian/patches/94_url_decoding.dpatch:
    - Patches io.py to unquote file url during the normalisation process
* Dropped changes no longer required:
  - debian/patches/010_intltool.dpatch:
    + Remove intltool files when cleaning
  - debian/patches/020_server_data.dpatch:
    + Remove GNOME_RevelationApplet.server when cleaning
  - debian/patches/93_python26_transition.dpatch:
    + Patches aclocal.m4 to return the correct value for
* debian/patches/100_backup_on_save.dpatch: (LP: #338138)
  Patches io.py to create a backup file before saving and restore
  the backup if saving fails

27. By ghostonline

* add 94_url_decoding.dpatch to fix LP: #96968
  - Patches io.py to unquote file url during the
    normalisation process

26. By Andreas Moog

* add 93_python26_transition.dpatch to fix FTBFS (LP: #387231)
  - Patches aclocal.m4 to return the correct value for

25. By Hew

* Actually revert ui.py patch so 90_applet_crash.dpatch works.
  - Fixes FTBFS (LP: #387231)

24. By Hew

[ Hew McLachlan ]
* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #386624), remaining changes:
  - Fix FTBFS with python >= 2.6
  - debian/patches/91_panel_category.dpatch:
    + Change GNOME panel category from "Utility" to the correct "Utilities".
  - debian/patches/92_typo_de_translation.dpatch:
    + Fix German translation typo
  - debian/rules:
    + Include dh_icons
* Rename Ubuntu specific patches to avoid confusion with Debian's patches:
  - 80_panel_category.dpatch -> 91_panel_category.dpatch
  - 90_typo_de_translation.dpatch -> 92_typo_de_translation.dpatch
* debian/patches/00list: Update with new Ubuntu specific patch names
* Dropped changes now applied upstream:
  - debian/control:
    + Drop python-xml from Depends
  - debian/patches/80_transparency.dpatch:
    + Allow applet to support transparent panels
  - Fix index out of range in ui.py (LP: #362788)
* Dropped changes no longer required:
  - debian/control:
    + Add dependency on python-gnome2-desktop

23. By Laurent Bigonville

Fix FTBFS with python >= 2.6

22. By David Futcher

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/patches/80_panel_category.dpatch:
    + Change GNOME panel category from "Utility" to the correct "Utilities".
  - debian/patches/90_typo_de_translation.dpatch:
    + Fix German translation typo
  - debian/patches/70_transparency.dpatch:
    + Allow applet to support transparent panels
  - debian/control:
    + Drop python-xml from Depends
    + Add dependency on python-gnome2-desktop
  - debian/rules: Replace dh_iconcache with dh_icons
* Rename Ubuntu specific patches to avoid confusion with Debian's patches:
  - 50_panel_category.dpatch -> 80_panel_category.dpatch
  - 60_typo_de_translation.dpatch -> 90_typo_de_translation.dpatch
* debian/patches/00list: Update with new Ubuntu specific patch names

21. By James Westby

Patch from "joenix" to handle changes to the panel background in the
applet. Among other things this makes the applet support transparent
panels. (LP: #284846)

20. By Hew

* Fix index out of range in ui.py (LP: #257007)
  - Thanks to Jef Spaleta <email address hidden> for the patch.

19. By Michael Bienia

Rebuild for cracklib2 -> libcrack2 transition.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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