
Created by James Westby and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntu-mono
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

13. By Kenneth Wimer

* Correcting indicator-messages icon
 [K.Vishnoo Charan Reddy]
* Missing symlinks for nm
* Adding audacious icons

12. By Kenneth Wimer

* Removing extra 24px audio icons
* Adding krb icons and links
* Adding ibus icons
* Adding new messages icon

11. By Kenneth Wimer

* Battery icons to fix LP: #546477
* Correcting naming bug in light variant
* Adding properly sized wifi icons so correct apparent panel spacing bug
* Fixing naming error in light variant for restart icon
* Adding running app indicator to light theme

10. By Kenneth Wimer

* Added new logo for GDM
* Added pacakge-supported icons with new logo for software-center, synaptic
* Added new logos to distributor-logo

9. By Kenneth Wimer

Adding wide panel icons for gpm

8. By Kenneth Wimer

* Removing extra and broken symlinks - lp:541882
* Add several app icons
* Moving link to file, to fix green message icon in menu

7. By Kenneth Wimer

* Adding links to distributor-logo
* Added indicator-message-new in green
* Removing extra symlinks to fix lp:532660
* Adding application-running icon
* Avatar icons stock_person-panel fixes lp:550956
* Adding variants for new message icons

6. By Kenneth Wimer

* Correcting naming problem (png->svg)
* Changing the direction of the batteries (work in progress)
* Adding weather at different sizes
* Adding link to nm-device-wwan for 3g devices

5. By Kenneth Wimer

* Adding account-logged-in and new mail icon
* Adding indeterminate states for me menu

4. By Kenneth Wimer

* Adding new restart icons, work in progress
* Adding new broadcast icon (microblogging)
* Adding new user status icons based on simple icons from new visual identity
* Adding more weather icons and reworked microblogging
* Starting to add weather icons, work in progress
* Adding MessagingMenu Chat and Email icons
* Adding Tomboy, Session Menu and -dark nm-applet wifi icons
* Adding microblogging icon for messagemenu

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
