
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/maverick/hamster-applet
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

25. By Chris Coulson

* LP: #646696 - Add patch from GIT to fix an issue with old, incorrect and
  random descriptions being presented in the UI
  - add debian/patches/01_label_blank_mode.patch
  - add debian/patches/series
  - update debian/control{.in}
  - update debian/rules

24. By Krzysztof Klimonda

* New upstream release. (LP: #629495) Fixes bugs:
  - Hamster is always using 1% of the CPU (LP: #620113)
* removed 01_startup-fix.patch and 02_fix_imports.patch
* debian/rules:
  - upstream has switched to waf, modified debian/rules accordingly.
* debian/control.in:
  - bump debhelper dependency to 5.0.51~ for dh_icons
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1, no changes we required
  - add Build-Dependency on gnome-control-center-dev
  - add Dependency on python-wnck
  - changed Homepage
* debian/copyright:
  - Removed licenses for files that were removed from archive
  - Refreshed Copyright Holders list

23. By Chris Halse Rogers

Change strange "from .hamster import" statements occurring inside the
hamster python module, causing ImportErrors. (LP: #600857)
Patch from Martin Pool. Thanks!

22. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

* New upstream release. (LP: #580522)
* Fixes Bugs:
  - Can't drag tags between categories (LP: #574499)

21. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

Merging shared upstream rev into target branch.

20. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

New upstream release.

19. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream version
  - workspace tracking - switch activity, when switching desktops
  - chart improvements - theme friendly and less noisier
  - for those without GNOME panel there is now a standalone version,
    accessible via Applications -> Accessories -> Time Tracker
  - overview window remembers position
  - maintaining cursor on the selected row after edits / refreshes
  - descriptions once again in the main input field, delimited by comma
  - activity suggestion box now sorts items by recency (Patryk Zawadzki)
  - searching
  - simplified save report dialog, thanks to the what you see is what you
    report revamp
  - overview/stats replaced with activities / totals and stats accessible
    from totals
  - interactive graphs to drill down in totals
  - miscellaneous performance improvements
  - pixel-perfect graphs
* Updated 01_startup-fix.patch to apply to new source layout
* debian/control:
  - Add build-depend on gnome-doc-utils

18. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

[ Robert Ancell ]
* debian/control.in:
  - Remove old debian VCS links

[ Andrew Starr-Bochicchio ]
* New upstream release. (LP: #488783)
 - Fixed problems with hamster interfering with
   screensaver hibernation code. (LP: #448438)
 - Fixes to the dropdown in compiz (not spanning
   over virtual desktops anymore). (LP: #303572)

* Merge with Debian testing, remaining Ubuntu changes:
 - Adapt debian/watch to take unstable version.
 - Point Vcs field at lp:~ubuntu-desktop/hamster-applet/ubuntu

17. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream release:
  - Updated translations.

16. By Jamie Strandboge

* fix Show Overview not opening (LP: #422130)
  - debian/patches/001_422130.patch: rename some duplicate element IDs

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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