
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/maverick-proposed/packagekit
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

50. By Jonathan Riddell

Add ubuntu_01_null_selection_crash.diff from
cd7a8c4c121d86d6b57aa5 Fix LP: #691474 bug which caused a crash when
the Section() of a package was NULL

49. By Jonathan Riddell

* Add 07_apt_proxy.patch from upstream
  Fixes LP: #633008
  "kpackagekit won't honor apt proxy setings"
* Add 06_aptcc_crash.patch from upstream
  Fixes http://bugs.kde.org/253930
  KPackageKit crashed after clicking on "Check for new updates"

48. By Jonathan Riddell

Add 04_aptcc_changelog_support.patch and
05_aptcc_changelog_support_2.patch recommended by upstream for
changelog support

47. By Jonathan Riddell

Add patches from upstream as recommended by author,
01_aptcc_fonts_group.diff 02_packagekit_qt_set_hints.diff

46. By Jonathan Riddell

* New upstream bugfix release
* Remove branch_update.diff, applied upstream
* Don't set ScanDesktopFiles=false in defaults.patch

45. By Jonathan Riddell

* Add branch_update.diff from Daniel Nicoletti for updates to aptcc:
 - downloadSpeed is now emmited
 - when downloading multiple files at the same time
   do it properly
 - Installing progress was highly improved
 - Detection of update type is fixed and improved
 - Turn off autoremove
* In defaults.patch set MaximumItemsToResolve=5000, aptcc is fast
  enough to handle a large number
* Fix typo in packagekit-backend-aptcc description
* Build-dep on gobject-introspection because autoconf is being autoconfy

44. By Felix Geyer

* New upstream release.
* Drop 20packagekit_error.diff, applied upstream.
* Make packagekit depend on packagekit-backend-aptcc without alternative
  dependencies as the default config requires it. (LP: #613412)
  - Move the apt and smart backends to Suggests.
* Add python and python-packagekit to the packagekit-backend-aptcc
  dependencies as get-distro-upgrade.py requires them. (LP: #614168)

43. By Cosme Domínguez

* debian/control:
  - browser plugin only works with firefox > 3.0 (LP: #606910)
* lintian stuff:
  - old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file
  - syntax-error-in-debian-changelog

42. By Jonathan Riddell

Add 20packagekit_error.diff, fixes /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20packagekit
script when packagekit gets removed

41. By Jonathan Riddell

Rerun autogen

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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