
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

370. By Evan

Automatic update of included source packages: apt-setup
1:0.45ubuntu4, choose-mirror 2.33ubuntu3.

369. By Colin Watson

[ Evan Dandrea, Colin Watson ]
Fix code to ensure that GRUB isn't installed to the installation device
when it's a USB stick; this was a combination of the installation device
typically being a partition rather than a disk device, and the fact that
grub-mkdevicemap now emits /dev/disk/by-id/ names rather than
traditional device names (LP: #630529).

368. By Evan

Automatic update of included source packages: apt-setup
1:0.45ubuntu3, base-installer 1.107ubuntu3, choose-mirror
2.33ubuntu2, grub-installer 1.55ubuntu4, user-setup 1.28ubuntu10.

367. By Colin Watson

[ Mario Limonciello ]
* If a derivative doesn't provide a release notes URL on the media, don't show
  the release notes label (LP: #651800)

[ Colin Watson ]
* Update translations from Launchpad (LP: #652395).
* Automatic update of included source packages: partman-base 141ubuntu2.

366. By Mario Limonciello

manually update indicators ABI in panel source.

365. By Colin Watson

pixmaps/cd_in_tray.png has moved back to ubiquity-frontend-gtk. Remove
it from ubiquity.

364. By Mario Limonciello

[ Jonathon Riddell ]
* gui/qt/stepLanguage.ui: nicer icons and better layout on
  language page (LP: #628808)

[ Mario Limonciello ]
* Set the LANG before running oem-config-remove.
* Prevent a crash of debconf-communicate when removing oem-config.
  (LP: #641478)
* Raise privileges when running the language page in only-installable
  mode. (LP: #647792)
* Automatic update of included source packages: flash-kernel

[ Evan Dandrea ]
* Don't let Jockey's automatic driver installation failing cause the
  entire prepare page to fail.
* Make sure $LANGUAGE gets set in the parallel debconf child process,
  so that we get translated descriptions (LP: #646109).
* Set the effective UID in regain_privileges_save so we don't try to
  setgroups([]) as a regular user (LP: #646827).

[ Didier Roche ]
* depends on latest libindicator-dev for ABI change (LP: #637692, #647739)

363. By Evan

[ Evan Dandrea ]
* Fix the installer window growing and shrinking when typing in the
  boxes on the user setup page.
* Do not show the prepare page by means of hiding the language page
  before the former is ready.
* Fix a crash in the KDE partitioning page when no partitions are
  available for resizing (LP: #644407).
* Call setgroups() when raising and dropping privileges. Thanks Colin
* Also tail syslog in the installer details pane, since that's where
  the action is.
* Correctly use the plugin_translate hook in the KDE frontend
  (LP: #645092).
* Update translations from Launchpad.
* Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer

[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* In gui/qt/app.ui remove unnecessary margin, (LP: #628883)
* KDE UI, Change button next between 'install now' and 'next'
  depending on partition mode, (LP: #628882)

362. By Evan

[ Sebastian Heinlein ]
* Rework oem-config-gtk to use a mainloop (LP: #637517)

[ Evan Dandrea ]
* Call gconftool-2 --set with --config-source.
* Better lock down the installer environment when past partitioning.
* Lock down the installer environment when at partitioning commit,
  rather than just after automatic partitioning (and not manual
  partitioning) (LP: #640604, LP: #641897).
* Do not show the quit button in OEM mode.
* Depend on aptdaemon (LP: #641051).
* Fix the skip download button (LP: #628311).
* Make the '[type here to change]' string translatable (LP: #642989).
* Disable the non-free software option if multiverse and restricted
  are disabled via preseed (LP: #641676).
* Install kubuntu-restricted-addons, not kubuntu-restricted-extras
  (LP: #643614).
* Clear hostname error when fixed (LP: #640661).
* Deal with broken /cdrom symlinks (LP: #642274).
* Disable locking the screen and switching users in the installer
  session (LP: #644016).
* Update translations from Launchpad.

[ Colin Watson ]
* Stop ubiquity and oem-config when stopping display managers. This
  should guarantee that X has exited by the time we try to start plymouth
  on shutdown (LP: #628630).

361. By Evan

* Make sure /var/lib/ubiquity/langpacks gets generated (LP: #630924).
* Fall back to root if the regular user cannot be found in
  ubiquity-dm (LP: #640386).
* Properly handle dmimodel() returning the null string.
* Fix bootloader installation test (LP: #640341).
* Set a the respective timezone, both internally and visually, when an
  entry is selected from the geonames autocompletion.

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