
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/natty/libindicator
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

22. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * Adding the ability to know the environment the indicator
    object is in. (LP: #703555)

21. By Ted Gould

New upstream release.
∘ Don't check for TargetEnvironment on the desktop group

20. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * Use the "TargetEnvironment" key in shortcuts

19. By Ken VanDine

* debian/control
  - More renaming of Depends to libgtk-3-dev

18. By Ken VanDine

* debian/control:
  - Use new build-depends for libgtk-3-dev

17. By Ken VanDine

* debian/rules
  - Updated shlibs

[Ted Gould]
* New upstream release.
  ∘ Adding in a11y description support
  ∘ Fixing distcheck (LP: #587811)
* debian/*: Changing the library major version from 2 to 3
* debian/control: Adding Breaks for the previous library rev
  so that users don't end up with systems that use both.

16. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * Adding a signal for scrolling that includes the entry
* debian/rules: Updating shlibs

15. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * GDBus Port
* debian/control: Migrating library versions from 1 to 2
* debian/control: Dropping dbus-glib as a build-dep
* debian/libindicator-tools: Removing indicator-loader3
* debian/libindicator3-dev: Adding in the include files for this
  version of the library.

[ Ken VanDine ]
* debian/control:
  - libindicator2 Breaks libindicator1

14. By Ken VanDine

* libindicator/indicator3.pc.in
  - Fixed the includedir

13. By Ken VanDine

* debian/control:
  - dropped libindicator-debugenv package
* -debian/libindicator-debugenv.install
* debian/libindicator-tools.install
  - Install indicator-loader and indicator-loader3 in the
  libindicator-tools package (means it depends on both gtk2 and gtk3)
  - Install sample xsession env in pkgdatadir for developer use
* tools/Makefile.am
  - Install 80indicator-debugging in pkgdatadir

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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