
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

328. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py, tests/test_quirks.py:
  - don't print a error for already patched files, this removes
    a misleading error from the upgrade logs
  - update tests

327. By Michael Vogt

* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/{euca-cloud,euca-nc,xubuntu}/DistUpgrade.cfg:
  - updated for maverick->natty now that the auto-upgrade-test server
    has more diskspace
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py, DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeMain.py:
  - make running-under-ssh check more robust by looking for sshd parent
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeViewText.py:
  - make user confirm information() messages before continuing
    (important for e.g. the "sshd has started" message)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py, DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py:
  - ensure that new recommends are installed on a desktop mode upgrade
    even if that got disabled e.g. via synaptic (LP: #759262)
  - add test for this feature

326. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py, DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeMain.py:
  - fix ssh detection (LP: #744995)

325. By Jonathan Riddell

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeViewKDE.py
 - Allow to view differences in conf file changes LP: #746431

324. By Michael Vogt

* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix665173 (LP: #665173),
  many thanks to Robert Roth (update the test a bit)
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix150677 (LP: #150677),
  many thanks to Robert Roth
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix727069 (LP: #727069),
  many thanks to Robert Roth

323. By Michael Vogt

* UpdateManager/backend/InstallBackendAptdaemon.py:
  - no not trigger a apport exception on user auth issues and if
    the user does not type the password in time (LP: #626798)

322. By Michael Vogt

* UpdateManager/backend/InstallBackendAptdaemon.py:
  - use pkgsystem_unlock, improve exception handling, add test
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py:
  - add quirks handler for maverick->natty upgrade for the
    kdegames-card-data case (LP: #745396)
* tests/test_quirks.py:
  - add test for LP: #745396
* UpdateManager/UpdateManager.py, do-release-upgrade:
  - point to http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife when the release
    is end-of-life message is displayed (LP: #671016)
* DistUpgrade/EOLReleaseAnnouncement:
  - improve wording, this is displayed if the user is trying to upgrade
    from a unsupported version of Ubuntu to a already unsupported
    version. This now links to http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife
    (LP: #671016)

321. By Michael Vogt

[ Brian Murray]
* UpdateManager/ReleaseNotesViewer.py: fix the path for gnome-open
  and default to xdg-open (LP: #693131)

[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/apt_clone.py:
  - use apt_clone.py from the apt-clone package
* debian/control:
  - add apt-clone to the build-depends
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradePatcher.py:
  - add native ed-style patch implementation as e.g. chroots
    may not have ed installed and its critical to be able to
    ensure that pycompile is correct before the upgrade starts
* do-release-upgrade:
  - use apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress to fix deprecation warning
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeViewText.py:
  - fix deprecation warning (LP: #744990)
* fix deprecation warnings in auxiliary scripts
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeAptCdrom.py:
  - fixes with the python-apt 0.8 API

320. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
  - fix description to say "BETA"
* pre-build.sh:
  - cleanup cruft test leftover output

319. By Michael Vogt

fix FTBFS by including a apt_clone.py copy until apt-clone
makes it through NEW

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