
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/natty/xom
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

10. By Chuck Short

* Enabled maven artifact deployment (LP: #715684):
  - debian/control: Build-Depends-Indep added maven-repo-helper
  - debian/rules: install maven artifacts and new target to retrieve
    original POM file.
  - debian/poms/xom.pom: localised pom for maven
  - debian/libxom-java.poms: pom reference locations
* Update Standards-Version: 3.9.1, no changes.

9. By Torsten Werner

* Convert patches to dep3 format.
* Add a patch for ant 1.8. (Closes: #571391)
* Fine tune build dependencies to default-jdk.
* Convert to source format 3.0.
* Update Standards-Version: 3.8.4.

8. By Varun Hiremath

* New upstream release
* Convert to default-jdk/jre, thanks to Chris Cheney for the patch
  (Closes: #508979)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1
* Switch to quilt for managing patches

7. By Matthias Klose

* Revert "Update default-jdk -> default-jdk-builddep to resolve FTBFS",
  gcj isn't used in this package.
* Workaround hotspot error by using the cacao VM. LP: #329903.

6. By Alessio Treglia

Set Maintainer to Ubuntu Core Developers.

5. By Chris Cheney

Update default-jdk -> default-jdk-builddep to resolve FTBFS

4. By Chris Cheney

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - default-java transition.

3. By Kumar Appaiah <email address hidden>

* debian/control:
  + Use my debian.org e-mail address.
  + Standards Version is now 3.7.3 (no changes needed.)
* debian/libxom-java-doc.doc-base:
  + Use "Author" field instead of "Authors".

2. By Varun Hiremath <email address hidden>

[ Torsten Werner ]
* Fix Depends: libjaxen-java.

[ Varun Hiremath ]
* Add 05_build.patch to fix javadoc build
* Add libxom-java-doc.doc-base
* Clean up debian/rules and remove useless stuff.
* debian/rules: remove ecj from Build-Depends - not required.

1. By Varun Hiremath <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 1.1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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