- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/oneiric/apache2
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 70. By Steve Beattie
* Merge from debian unstable to fix CVE-2011-3192 (LP: #837991).
Remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
- debian/apache2.py, debian/apache2. 2-common. install: Add apport hook.
- debian/control, debian/ask-for- passphrase, debian/ config- dir/mods- available/ ssl.conf:
Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase. - 69. By Andres Rodriguez
* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #787013). Remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
- debian/apache2.py, debian/apache2. 2-common. install: Add apport hook.
- debian/control, debian/ask-for- passphrase, debian/ config- dir/mods- available/ ssl.conf:
Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase. - 68. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
- debain/apache2.py, debian/apache2. 2-common. isntall: Add apport hook.
- debian/control, debian/ask-for- passphrase, debian/ config- dir/mods- available/ ssl.conf:
Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase. - 67. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
- debain/apache2.py, debian/apache2. 2-common. isntall: Add apport hook.
- debian/control, debian/ask-for- passphrase, debian/ config- dir/mods- available/ ssl.conf:
Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase. - 66. By Chuck Short
debian/rules: Don't use "-fno-strict-
aliasing" since it causes
apache FTBFS on amd64. (LP: #711293) - 64. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
- debain/apache2.py, debian/apache2. 2-common. isntall: Add apport hook.
- debian/control, debian/ask-for- passphrase, debian/ config- dir/mods- available/ ssl.conf:
Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase. - 63. By Chuck Short
[Clint Byrum]
* Adding plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase.
(LP: #582963)
+ debian/control: apache2.2-common depends on bash for ask-for-passphrase
+ debian/config- dir/mods- available/ ssl.conf:
- SSLPassPhraseDialog now uses exec:/usr/share/apache2/ ask-for- passhrase [Chuck Short]
* Add apport hook. (LP: #609177)
+ debian/apache2.py, debian/apache2. 2-common. install - 62. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree - 61. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common. ufw.profile} : Add ufw profiles.
- debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/ubuntu/precise/apache2