
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

371. By Brian Murray

fix crash in UpdateManager.Core.utils.error(), thanks to
Christian Parrino (LP: #964674)

370. By Brian Murray

* In the apport package hook continue if unable to import gconf data
  (LP: #880704)
* In the apport package hook do not gzip the apt-clone attachment two times
  (LP: #973747)
* check-new-release-gtk:
  - ensure to write a integer when calculating the next time that
    the release available window will be presented (LP: #873424)
  - hide redundant release-notes button (LP: #873432)
* check-new-release-gtk:
  - write the time to check the new release to the update-notifier schema
    not the update-manager one (LP: #873424)

369. By Brian Murray

* check-new-release-gtk:
  - write the time to check the new release to the update-notifier schema
    not the update-manager one (LP: #873424)

368. By Brian Murray

* In the apport package hook continue if unable to import gconf data
  (LP: #880704)
* check-new-release-gtk:
  - ensure to write a integer when calculating the next time that
    the release available window will be presented (LP: #873424)
  - hide redundant release-notes button (LP: #873432)

367. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
  - ensure that postgresql does not get removed (LP: #871893)

366. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeCache.py:
  - fix crash when packages needs downgrading
* UpdateManager/Core/utils.py:
  - do not crash if iptables does not exist, thanks to Daniel
    Holbach for reporting the issue (LP: #877514)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py:
  - keep poking the screensaver to ensure that it really won't
    activate during the upgrade (thanks to Jonathan Davies for
    the report)
* tests/test_sources_list.py:
  - fix test (archive.ubuntu.com no longer listens to ftp)
* po/*:
  - refresh again to fix regression (LP: #877461)

365. By Michael Vogt

refresh translation for the release-upgrader (LP: #873905)

364. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py:
  - do not crash if apt-btrfs-snapshot fails to run (LP: #873411)

363. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py:
  - add workaround for a python-apt bug that causes the release
    upgrade to import the old version of "DistInfo" intead of the
    one that is bundled with the release-upgrader (LP: #871007)

362. By Stéphane Graber

* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/eduubuntu/DistUpgrade.cfg:
  - Fix typo, renaming to edubuntu instead

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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