
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

59. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

[ Didier Roche ]
* New upstream release. (0.2.116)
  - multiple instances or double icons of application detected on bamfdaemon
    respawn (LP: #928912)
  - unity confused with chrome/chromium web apps (LP: #692462)
  - BamfView's dispose() method doesn't invoke the superclass' dispose()
    (LP: #986888)
* debian/control:
  - remove Multi-Arch: same for the -dbg package
    (Closes: #669980, #658057)

[ Alan Pope ]
* New upstream release.
  - Unity crashed in bamf_application_on_window_removed (LP: #1000577)
  - Locked smuxi launcher icon does not indicate smuxi running status
    (LP: #999820)
  - No launcher icon or Alt+Tab entry for Gimp windows (LP: #995916)
  - the RunningApplicationsChanged signal is no longer emitted when an
    application is closed since r460 (LP: #989551)

58. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - invalid valgrind read errors (LP: #929468)

57. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - bamf matcher messes up refcounting on views (LP: #942070)
  - Chromium is running, but not showing in launcher or alt-tab.
    (LP: #918474)
  - libbamf leaks memory on view dispose (LP: #942148)
  - Coverity PW.PARAMETER_HIDDEN - CID 10449 (LP: #937398)
  - Coverity UNINIT - CID 10451 (LP: #937402)
* debian/libbamf0.symbols, debian/libbamf3-0.symbols:
  - update symbols for new API

56. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - BAMF does not pass make check (LP: #897148)
  - BAMF requires a headless testing target (LP: #897150)
  - Clicking Nautilus launcher icon fails to open a Nautilus file explorer
    window when copying a file and all other Nautilus windows are closed /
    bamf should skip the taskbar (LP: #784804)
* debian/libbamf0.symbols,
  - updated symbols

55. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* remove -Werror for now as there is just new glib deprecation making it
* debian/source/
  - remove, doesn't play well with merge-upstream workflow

54. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - BAMF does not pass make check (LP: #897148)
  - BAMF requires a headless testing target (LP: #897150)
  - Clicking Nautilus launcher icon fails to open a Nautilus file explorer
    window when copying a file and all other Nautilus windows are closed /
    bamf should skip the taskbar (LP: #784804)
* debian/libbamf0.symbols, debian/libbamf3-0.symbols:
  - updated symbols

53. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - Unity acts not as a dock for LibreOffice but as a launcher (LP: #741995)
  - Libreoffice Calc icon does not appear when opened via Writer
    (LP: #861355)
  - Bamf Ignores some local .desktop files with OnlyShowIn flag
    (LP: #863290)
  - Libreoffice and unity integration broken. (LP: #842566)
* debian/control, debian/rules:
  - enable headless tests build
* debian/control:
  - bump libglib2.0-dev to 2.28

52. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 0.2.104-0ubuntu2

51. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - Hopefully really fix unity confused with chrome (not chromium) web apps
    (LP: #692462)
  - Fix to build with gtk2 version

50. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - Fix unity confused with chrome web apps (LP: #692462)

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