- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/precise-updates/commons-httpclient
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 11. By Marc Deslauriers
* SECURITY UPDATE: improper certificate hostname verification
- debian/patches/ 06_fix_ CVE-2012- 5783.patch: fix CN extraction and
wildcard verification in
src/java/org/ apache/ commons/ httpclient/ protocol/ SSLProtocolSock etFactory. java.
- debian/patches/ CVE-2014- 3577.patch: fix Common Name logic in
src/java/org/ apache/ commons/ httpclient/ protocol/ SSLProtocolSock etFactory. java.
- CVE-2012-5783
- CVE-2012-6153
- CVE-2014-3577
* SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service via failure to set socket timeout
- debian/patches/ CVE-2015- 5262.patch: respect configured timeout in
src/java/org/ apache/ commons/ httpclient/ protocol/ SSLProtocolSock etFactory. java.
- CVE-2015-5262
* debian/ant.properties: bump version to 1.5 to handle security fixes. - 10. By Torsten Werner
[ Damien Raude-Morvan ]
* Remove Arnaud Vandyck from Uploaders
* d/control: Drop Depends on any JRE as a Java library don't need to
depends on a runtime (Java Policy)[ Torsten Werner ]
* Switch to source format 3.0.
* Update Standards-Version: 3.9.1.
* Remove Barry from Uploaders list. - 9. By Damien Raude-Morvan
* Add myself to Uploaders
* Use quilt as patch system
- Build-Depends on quilt
- Add debian/README. source
- Use CDBS patchsys-quilt.mk
* New debian/patches/ 05_osgi_ metadata. diff to include OSGi metadata
in JAR (Closes: #558182) - 8. By Onkar Shinde
[Damien Raude-Morvan]
* Fix debian/watch: use http://www.apache. org/dist/ [Onkar Shinde]
* debian/patches/ 04_fix_ classpath. patch
- Add appropriate jar files in classpath using manifest attribute.
(LP: #459251)
* debian/ant.properties
- Add properties to set target JVM version 1.4. - 7. By Torsten Werner
* Add myself to Uploaders.
* Revert change from last upload:
- Don't map version of commons-httpclient explicitly.
(Closes: #551126, #551214, #551217, #551218, #551221, #551224, #551226,
#551227, #551231, #551242) - 6. By Varun Hiremath
* Convert to default-jdk/jre (Closes: #508949)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 - 4. By Kumar Appaiah <email address hidden>
* debian/watch:
+ Update to reflect new upstream mirror structure.
(Closes: #459995)
* debian/control:
+ Update my e-mail address to <email address hidden>.
+ Standards Version is now 3.7.3.
+ Use Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser in place of XS-Vcs-*.
+ Depend on ant 1.6.5 and above, instead of 1.6.5-1. - 3. By Michael Meskes
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Bump debhelper Build-Depends to (>= 4.1.0) as required by cdbs'
* Put the coppyright holders in debian/copyright
* Include the jar file in the package. (Closes: #381354)
* Only include one copy of the docs.
done by James Westby <email address hidden> Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:29:47 +0100 - 2. By Barry Hawkins <email address hidden>
* Provide non-version-
specific symlink "commons- httpclient. jar" to
commons-httpclient- 2.0.2.jar per Debian Java Policy Section 2.4
(Closes: 340308)
* Added additional doc-base entry to point to main section of
Jakarta Commons HttpClient documentation in addition to the
API Javadoc
* Maintainer email address updated for Barry Hawkins
* Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/ubuntu/wily/commons-httpclient