- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/precise/gnome-control-center
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Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 248. By Martin Pitt
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* debian/patches/ git_wacom_ translations. patch:
- updated, list the source files in POTFILES.in as well[ Martin Pitt ]
* New upstream bug fix release:
- Fix translation of the rotation drop-down
- Make controls insensitive when a user is not selected
- Fix alignment of the "Map to Monitor..." button
- Use PrinterAddOption method to set media size
- Updated translations
* Drop patches applied upstream:
- accounts_handle_ system_ user.patch
- git_rotation_translation. patch - 247. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* debian/
patches/ 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
- add edge corner reveal support for unity-2d now that it supports it
- unref the new gsettings object introduced in a previous upload
* debian/patches/ 54_enable_ alt_tap_ in_shortcut. patch:
- enable assign alt and other key for the HUD shortcut in both Unity 2D
and 3D (LP: #969256)
(applied very late in the build for now as dep on
revert_git_keyboard_ gsettings. patch)
* debian/patches/ 96_sound_ nua_panel. patch:
- quiet debug output, patch from ronoc
* debian/patches/ 50_ubuntu_ systemwide_ prefs.patch:
- fix the patch to really show "apply system wide" for new users - 246. By Sebastien Bacher
* debian/
patches/ 96_sound_ nua_panel. patch:
- updated to quiet warnings on start (lp: #973312)
* debian/patches/ git_wacom_ translations. patch:
- set wacom strings as translatable (lp: #978153)
* debian/patches/ git_rotation_ translation. patch:
- git patch, correctly translation display rotation strings[ Michael Terry ]
* debian/patches/ accounts_ fix_unsetting_ icon.patch:
- Don't try to send NULL string over DBus when unsetting the user
icon. Instead use an empty string. LP: #978049 - 245. By Michael Terry
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* debian/patches/ 50_ubuntu_ systemwide_ prefs.patch:
- Network proxy: Show "apply system wide" for sudo group too
(LP: #967978, LP: #893842)[ Michael Terry ]
* debian/patches/ accounts_ handle_ system_ user.patch:
- Disable user controls when no user is selected, to prevent crashes
in code that doesn't expect that situation. LP: #908140 - 244. By Sebastien Bacher
* debian/
patches/ 96_sound_ nua_panel. patch:
- if the "sound" panel is asked under Unity load "sound-nua" rather
than bailing out, that's better than patching all softwares calling it
- update the tabs enum so command lines call load the right one[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* debian/patches/ 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
- Set the gsettings window theme value also (used by GNOME Shell 3.4) - 243. By Sebastien Bacher
* debian/
patches/ 96_sound_ nua_panel. patch:
- change the a11y sound link to open soundnua under unity (lp: #963618)
* debian/patches/ classic_ use_sound_ indicator. patch:
- don't autostart the sound applet under GNOME classic sessions since
indicators are used (lp: #965288)
* debian/patches/ 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
- don't display a (null) background size when a solid color is used
(lp: #944076)
- set "default" string as translatable (lp: #968290) - 242. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* debian/
patches/ 51_unity_ options_ in_display_ panel.patch:
- use the same case that was in debian/patches/ new_translation s_hack. patch
for translators (Sentence case and not Title Case) (LP: #967110)
- do not show the panel on the preview, only the launcher (LP: #967027)
- Add a separator for the unity settings (LP: #967121)
- Fix some missing redrawing call (LP: #967136)
* debian/patches/ new_translation s_hack. patch:
- removed the translation as used in the other patch
* debian/patches/ 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
- add launcher sensitivity to 2D settings now that 2D supports it as well
- reveal spot won't make it in 2D, hide it in this session
- remove a warning on non Unity session - 241. By Michael Terry
* debian/
patches/ fix-crash- on-user- panel.patch:
- Fix occasional crash when closing user panel (LP: #873679) - 240. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* debian/
patches/ 51_unity_ options_ in_display_ panel.patch:
- add the options to the display panel for unity multimonitor support.
Choice where the launcher can be set (one monitor, all monitor) and
sticky edges. (LP: #950136)
* debian/patches/ revert_ git_keyboard_ gsettings. patch:
- refreshed
* debian/patches/ 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
- revert the "click to get directly to a position" on the scroll bar.
This should be done in gtk to get the same behavior everywhere. Too
late for this cycle though.
- fix the scrolling since gtk introduced GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH. - 239. By Sebastien Bacher
* debian/
patches/ dont_download_ local_image. patch:
- bugzilla patch from Ryan Lortie, should fix public images
selected as wallpaper not showing in unity-greeter (lp: #672405)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)