
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

60. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() from ...
    from unity::PanelTray::~PanelTray() from ... from
    unity::panel::Controller::Impl::OnScreenChanged (LP: #921316)
  - Far left character in panel (and launcher popups) distorted
    (LP: #927441)
  - [dash] Dash does not render "panel line" (LP: #926344)
  - [multi-monitor] DND doesn't work for the launchers in other monitors
    (LP: #965025)
  - Unity dash can't select items using keyboard when ibus is active
    (LP: #973344)
* debian/rules:
  - remove disable-tests are now tests are only build if the right build-dep
    are here.
* debian/control:
  - add libxtst-dev as nux Makefile rules are broken and still try to include
    the .h files even if the pc file check failed.
  - bump Standards-Version to latest

59. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - No glow: remove internal glow/shadow from Alt-tab switcher border and
    <Super> shortcut window (LP: #940493)
  - As soon as you start to drag a dash icon, the icon is drawn for a moment
    at (100, 100) (LP: #947362)
  - Unity launches selected application on commit pre-edit texts with ibus
    (LP: #954901)

58. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - Restore OpenGL default line width and point size (LP: #937444)
  - [unity-5.6] can't enter accents (^o->) in the dash since recent updates
    (LP: #944674)
  - SetEnableView / ViewEnable / ViewDisable give inverted results
    (LP: #938823)
* debian/control:
  - build-dep on libibus-1.0-dev for ibus support

57. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* debian/patches/01_blacklist_llvmpipe.patch:
  - Blacklist llvmpipe (LP: #926859)

56. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - Dash - Behaviour of the 'All' button in the Dash filters broken in
    several ways (LP: #841864)
  - Launcher, Spread - Clicking on a Launcher app icon a second time to
    close a spread is broken (LP: #893670)
  - launcher not hiding in one design-specified case (LP: #919162)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
    nux::GridHLayout::KeyNavIterationRowOrder() (LP: #916088)

55. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - Dash - Behaviour of the 'All' button in the Dash filters broken in
    several ways (LP: #841864)
  - Launcher, Spread - Clicking on a Launcher app icon a second time to
    close a spread is broken (LP: #893670)
  - launcher not hiding in one design-specified case (LP: #919162)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
    nux::GridHLayout::KeyNavIterationRowOrder() (LP: #916088)
* Cherry-pick an additional fix for boot time

54. By Sebastien Bacher

Build with glew1.6, the issue it was creating on intel previous cycles
seem to be sorted so there is no reason to stay on an old version

53. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

[ Aurélien Gâteau ]
* New upstream release:
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::ROProperty<std::string>::operator
    std::string() (LP: #881106)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
    nux::WindowCompositor::FindKeyFocusAreaFrom() (LP: #860852)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::Area::FindKeyFocusArea()
    (LP: #848952)
  - compiz crashed with SIGILL in typeinfo for std::ostream() (LP: #849881)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::WindowThread::IsInsideLayoutCycle()
    (LP: #864686)
  - Select quicklist items with just one right click (LP: #688830)
  - OnMouseDoubleClick in InputArea isn't working (LP: #708020)
  - Menubar - horizontal scroll over a menu opens it (LP: #775872)
  - Clicking on a dash category header should not give it keyboard focus
    (LP: #905921)
  - Horizontal scroll on maximize/restore window control restores window.
    (LP: #809717)
  - Horizontally scrolling while highlighting an item in the dash or on an
    indicator will open the item. (LP: #837004)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in free() (LP: #864446)
  - Mouse wheel doesn't works if the mouse pointer is inside dash scrollbar.
    (LP: #888819)
* debian/rules, debian/control:
  - add nuxabiversion capability as upstream is breaking a lot the ABI
    wasn't bumping the soname. Create a virtual package similar to what
    we already do in compiz to ensure we dep on the right version.
    Remove the makeshlibs override then as not needed anymore.
  - bump to nux 2.0 with new libnux-2.0-0, libnux-2.0-common, libnux-2.0-dev
    packages. Make the necessary changes in .install files as well
  - don't ship anymore the -doc package.
* debian/nux-tools.install:
  - move the apport file there instead of the -common package to enable

52. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* Don't build anymore the documentation and don't gputests files
* debian/control:
  - add build-dep on libutouch-geis-dev

51. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release.
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::WindowCompositor::FindKeyFocusArea()
    (LP: #845873)
  - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in sigc::signal_base::impl() (LP: #831769)
  - can't maximize windows on second monitor and Qt windows displayed in
    wrong place (LP: #861341)
  - Dash - Dash should support drag and drop to external applications
    (LP: #857431)
  - Dash - When the Dash is re-opened and statefully displaying a previous
    query, it should be possible to add to the query by pressing the 'right
    arrow cursor key' (LP: #841828)
  - blacklist old geforce fx cards for unity-3d (LP: #769402)
* debian/control:
  - build-dep on libxinerama-dev

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