
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

53. By dobey

* New upstream release.
  - Fix for test failures. (LP: #973345)
  - Add necessary OpenSSL exception to license. (LP: #968555)
* debian/copyright:
  - Update to proper dep5 format.
  - Update for OpenSSL exception.
* debian/patches/00_bzr837-lp-960657.patch:
  - Client hangs on account creation. (LP: #960657)
* debian/watch:
  - Update for new release.

52. By Natalia Bidart

* debian/control:
  - Added missing dependency on python-imaging for ubuntu-sso-client-qt
    (LP: #973311).

51. By Natalia Bidart

* New upstream release:
  - Restoring transparency for the overlay widget (LP: #969455).
  - Converting to unicode some data returned by webclient in
    QByteArray format (LP: #961315).
  - Fixed the issue where we use an empty proxy url when the proxy
    was not set in gsettings (LP: #969280).
  - Forced white background (LP: #961346).
* debian/watch:
  - Updated url to fetch tarball from latest milestone.

50. By Natalia Bidart

* New upstream release:
  - Do not allow ssl errors to be ignored (LP: #959390).
  - Handle wrong credentials properly in qtnetwork webclient
    (LP: #957317).
  - Use HTTPClientFactory to allow replacing the reactor used to connect
    (LP: #929207).
  - Decode the content of help_text (LP: #951371).
  - Adding missing file for translation (LP: #951376).
  - Adding a general error message when the argument received by
    build_general_error_message is not a dict (LP: #865176).
  - Adding some checks to setup_page (LP: #951461).
  - Adding a padding to the right margin of the reset layout, and align
    one of its layout to the left (LP: #945065).
  - Executing hide_error when the user click the refresh captcha link,
    not inside of the _refresh_captcha method, because this is executed
    automatically when a captcha error is generated, so we will always
    miss the error message (LP: #955010).
  - Removing the align property from the label that wasn't necessary
    and was breakint the work wrap. Also adjust the height of the widget
    depending if it has more than one line (LP: #940392).
  - Improve logging operations (LP: #934500).
  - Making LINK_STYLE to be unicode (LP: #950953).
  - Setting the window title equal to the app_name (LP: #949744).
  - The _move_to_email_verification_page wasn't receiving the params
    that the signal emits (LP: #945066).
  - Improve the grammar for the CLOSE_AND_SETUP_LATER button text
    (LP: #949978).
  - Changed the way in which we deal with proxies to work around bugs
    found in the QNetworkAccessManager (LP: #957313).
  - Stopped listening to the proxyAuthenticationRequired to avoid the
    dialog showing more than once (LP: #957170)
  - Made changes in the way the webclient is selected to ensure that qt
    is used when possible (LP: #957169).
  - Connected the WebKit browser correctly so that the tc page gets
    loaded (LP: #933081).
  - Added code to check if the browser with the t&c was already loaded.
    If it is just show the t&c page, otherwise perform the request
    (LP: #956185).
  - Added a translatable string to give more context of the ssl cert
    info to the user (LP: #948119).
  - Provided the logic required for the Qt webclient implementation to
    detect ssl errors and spawn the ssl dialog to allow the user accept
    the ssl cert exceptions (LP: #948134).
  - Changed the qt webclient implementation to use a proxy factory so
    that the correct proxy is chosen according to the request
    (LP: #950088).
  - Added the required code to allow the webclient use authenticated
    proxies and request the creds when needed (LP: #933727).
  - The tooltip should not be shown for titles and subtitles when
    no cut off was needed (LP: #949741).
  - Enable platform-specific styling (LP: #953318).
  - Only import DBus on Linux (LP: #956304).
  - Don't hard-code font sizes.
  - Remove usage of weight property as a numeric; just use bold
    property instead (LP: #953062).
* Removed patches which were included upstream.
* debian/watch:
  - Updated url to fetch tarball from latest milestone.
* debian/ubuntu-sso-client-qt.install:
  - Install Qt UI executables for providing proxy authentication support.
* debian/control:
  - Added new dependency on python-openssl to python-ubuntu-sso-client.
  - Improved description for ubuntu-sso-client-qt binary package.

49. By Natalia Bidart

* debian/patches/fix-945066.patch:
  - The _move_to_email_verification_page callback wasn't receiving the
    params that the signal emits, thus attempts to verify an email weren't
    succeeding (LP: #945066).
* In previous changelog there is a typo when specifying the updated
  Standards-Version, it should have been 3.9.3 instead of 3.9.93 (though the
  control file was correctly changed).

48. By Natalia Bidart

* New upstream release:
  [ Diego Sarmentero <email address hidden> ]
    - Hide the errors label on refresh captcha (LP: #947202).
    - Changed the name of the function assigned to the lambda that is called
      on passwordChanged signal from reset_password_page (LP: #945080).
    - Made on_user_validated also emit stopProcessing so callers can hide
      any processing overlay they are showing (LP: #945094).
    - Fixed: Qt UI: there is not loading overvaly while validating an
      email address (LP: #944767).
    - Fixed: Qt UI: clicking on the "Set Up Account" button takes me
      instantly to the verification page, even if there are form errors
      (LP: #934502).
    - Fix: [UIFe] Improve the display of errors in the Qt UI (LP: #938604).
    - Fixed: The header in the pages is above the overlay (LP: #934523).
    - Fixed: [UIFE] The padding of the wizard pages in the Qt UI is not
      correct (LP: #934519).
  [ Manuel de la Pena <email address hidden> ]
    - Ensure that the strings used in sso do not have "ubuntu one" in them
      (LP: #933729).
    - Ensure that the strings used are the ones provided by design
      (LP: #937905).
    - Added the dialog that will be used to show that a certificate has issues
      (LP: #933729).
  [ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
    - Add proper titles and subtitles for the Login and Forgot password
      pages (LP: #945061).
    - Made UI modules to setup the gui logging logger (LP: #947469).
    - Fallback to the GTK+ UI when the specified ui_executable does
      not exist (LP: #939821).
    - Move the 'choose sign in page' to client code (U1 control panel
      in this case) (LP: #933576).
    - Do not mask ImportError by importing inside a function (LP: #939173).
    - No more strings coming up from the Designer ui files (LP: #938626).
  [ Roberto Alsina <email address hidden> ]
    - Made the network detection code return ONLINE if NM is not available
      (but still UNKNOWN if it's available and fails) (LP: #939703).
* debian/control:
  - Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.93.
* debian/watch:
  - Updated to fetch latest milestone.
* Removed patches which were included upstream.

47. By Natalia Bidart

* debian/patches/fix-939173.patch:
  - Do not mask ImportError by importing inside a function (LP: #939173).

46. By Natalia Bidart

* New upstream release:
  - Captcha loading is no longer failing for the Qt UI (LP: #933679).
  - Added stylesheets for the Qt UI.
  - Fixed: Qt UI: must call the backend passing reply_handler
    and error_handler (LP: #931452).
  - Make gettext return unicode strings. Also, transform arguments passed
    to the GLib spawnner to bytes (LP: #933632).
  - Try to load the qt main/ implementation when possible, if not default
    to the glib (LP: #933534).
  - Make the bin_dir discoverable when running from the system installation
    (LP: #933039).
  - Implement (so far dummy) timeout_func for the Qt frontend (LP: #933758).
* debian/control:
  - adding missing dependency on gnome-keyring for python-ubuntu-sso-client
    (LP: #938693).
* debian/patches/fix-938626.patch:
  - No more strings coming up from the Designer ui files so we ensure that
    those are marked for translation (LP: #938626).
* debian/watch: updated milestone to 2.99.5.

45. By Natalia Bidart

* debian/control: add a preferred recommended gui for ubuntu-sso-client.
* debian/patches/01_fix-933632.patch:
  - Make gettext return unicode strings. Also, transform arguments passed to
    the GLib spawnner to bytes (LP: #933632).

44. By Natalia Bidart

* New upstream release:
  - Execute the UI as a separate process from the sso main thread
    (LP: #919330).
  - Move the ping method from the credentials module to the
    UserManagement interface (LP: #929670).
  - The Gtk UI must handle errors from dbus when calling the backend
    (LP: #929820).
  - Migrated the GTK UI to use GI bindings (LP: #801111).
* debian/control: added new binary packages as follow:
  - python-ubuntu-sso-client: the python library for the Ubuntu SSO client.
  - python-ubuntu-sso-client.tests: the test suite for the Ubuntu SSO client.
  - ubuntu-sso-client: the Ubuntu SSO client main service. Recommends the
    virtual package ubuntu-sso-client-gui.
  - ubuntu-sso-client-gtk: the GTK+ frontend for the Ubuntu SSO client.
  - ubuntu-sso-client-qt: the Qt frontend for the Ubuntu SSO client.
  - Both ubuntu-sso-client-gtk and ubuntu-sso-client-qt provide the virtual
    package ubuntu-sso-client-gui.
* debian/rules: remove the rule to avoid installing the Qt bits.
* debian/patches/00_fix-933039.patch:
  - Make the bin_dir discoverable when running from the system installation
    (LP: #933039).
* debian/watch: updated milestone to 2.99.4.
* debian/*.install: installation files for all the new binary packages.

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