
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

4. By Ben Howard

Drop 'depends' for cloud-init (LP: #1496730).

3. By Ben Howard

Backport to 12.04 (LP: #1490624).

2. By Ben Howard

[ Ben Howard ]
* Initial packaging/forking for usability in Ubuntu.
  - depend on xenstore-utils rather than pre-packaged binary blobs.
  - created systemd files
  - created upstart files
* Source changes:
  - deleted xenstore-sources.tar.bz2
  - deleted xenstore.tar.bz2
  - deleted apt source 'citrix.list' as both broken and unneeded
  - deleted debian/*.{postinst,prerm} as unneeded
  - modified debian/rules
* Generalized upstart/systemd descriptions.
* Changed systemd target for proc-xen.mounts.
* Fix systemd job for xe-daemon.service to use ConditionPathExists.
* Modernize the CPU hotplug udev rule.
* Closes (LP: #1459455).

[ Steve Langasek ]
* Adjust debian/copyright to comply with copyright-format 1.0; and fix
  inclusion of personal copyright statement on Canonical code.
* Remove debian/postinst and debian/postrm that are empty except for the
  debhelper tokens; fixes lintian warning due to ignored errors. Let
  debhelper create the scripts itself so it gets them right.
* Drop a no-op debian/docs.
* Rename debian/nova-agent.upstart to
  debian/xe-guest-utilities.xe-daemon.upstart and let it be picked up
  automatically in debian/rules.
* Don't make systemd vs. upstart support conditional on the target release.

1. By Ben Howard

Import upstream version 6.2.0-1120+dsf1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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