
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

43. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: revoke user tokens when disabling/delete a project
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-4222.patch: add _delete_tokens_for_project() to
    common/controller.py and use it in identity/controllers.py
    (LP: #1179955)
  - CVE-2013-4222
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix and test token revocation list API
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-4294.patch: fix token matching for memcache
    backend token revocation (LP: #1202952)
  - CVE-2013-4294

42. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: fix auth_token middleware neglects to check expiry of
  signed token when using PKI
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-2104.patch: explicitly check the expiry on the
    tokens, and reject tokens that have expired. Also update test data
  - CVE-2013-2104
  - LP: #1179615
* debian/patches/fix-testsuite-for-2038-problem.patch: Adjust json example
  cert data to use 2037 instead of 2112 and regenerate the certs. Also
  adjust token expiry data to use 2037 instead of 2999.
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix authentication bypass when using LDAP backend
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-2157.patch: identity/backends/ldap/core.py is
    adjusted to raise an assertion for invalid password when using LDAP and
    an empty password is submitted
  - CVE-2013-2157
  - LP: #1187305

41. By James Page

debian/patches/update_certs.patch: Fix FTBFS. Original SSL certs
for test suite expired May 18 2013. Cherry-picked regenerated certs
from stable/folsom commit c14f2789.

40. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: delete user token immediately upon delete when using v2
  - CVE-2013-2059.patch: adjust keystone/identity/core.py to call
    token_api.delete_token() during delete. Also update test suite.
  - CVE-2013-2059
  - LP: #1166670

39. By James Page

* Resync with latest security updates.
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix PKI revocation bypass
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-1865.patch: validate tokens from the backend
  - CVE-2013-1865
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix EC2-style authentication for disabled users
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-0282.patch: adjust keystone/contrib/ec2/core.py
    to ensure user and tenant are enabled in EC2
  - CVE-2013-0282
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix denial of service
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-1664+1665.patch: disable XML entity parsing
  - CVE-2013-1664
  - CVE-2013-1665

38. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: fix PKI revocation bypass
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-1865.patch: validate tokens from the backend
  - CVE-2013-1865
  - LP: #1129713

37. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: fix EC2-style authentication for disabled users
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-0282.patch: adjust keystone/contrib/ec2/core.py
    to ensure user and tenant are enabled in EC2
  - CVE-2013-0282
  - LP: #1121494
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix denial of service
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-1664+1665.patch: disable XML entity parsing
  - CVE-2013-1664
  - CVE-2013-1665
  - LP: #1100279
  - LP: #1100282

36. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: fix token creation error handling
  - debian/patches/CVE-2013-0247.patch: validate size of user_id, username,
    password, tenant_name, tenant_id and old_token size to help guard
    against a denial of service via large log files filling the disk
  - CVE-2013-0247

35. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: fix for EC2-style credentials invalidation
  - debian/patches/CVE-2012-5571.patch: adjust contrib/ec2/core.py to verify
    that the user is in at least one valid role for the tenant
  - CVE-2012-5571
  - LP: #1064914
* debian/patches/fix-ssl-tests-lp1068851.patch: update certificates for
  SSL tests
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix for token expiration
  - debian/patches/CVE-2012-5563.patch: ensure token expiration is
  - CVE-2012-5563
  - LP: #1079216

34. By Chuck Short

New upstream release.

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