- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/raring/lubuntu-artwork
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 38. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
lubuntu/ wallpapers
- Add community wallpapers.
* Update icon theme.
* usr/share/themes/ Lubuntu- default:
- Enabled colorization in GTK2 apps
- Menubar & GtkCombo use now vectors (Clearlooks engine)
- Removed unnecessary bitmaps - 37. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
lubuntu/ images
- Update the logo icon for 13.04
- Update the banner for 13.04
* usr/share/lxpanel/ images
- Update the panel background for 13.04.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ wallpapers
- Add 2 new wallpapers for 13.04.
* Update icon theme. - 36. By Julien Lavergne
* lib/plymouth/theme:
- Update to 13.04.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ wallpapers
- Update for the new year.
* Update icon theme. - 35. By Julien Lavergne
* Backup current artwork items to 1210 items, and prepare 1304.
* Update icon theme:
- Fix dropbox icon (LP: #878121).
* Update gtk3 theme:
- Fix black tooltips (LP: #1065941).
* debian/control:
- Depends also on gtk2-engines-pixbuf along with gtk2-engines. - 34. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
themes/ Lubuntu- default:
- Update the gtk3 theme to the new version of gtk3 and unico
(UIFe, LP: #1043129).
- Fix checkboxes not properly displayed in gtk3 applications (LP: #1060396).
- Fix menubar on gtk2. - 33. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
lubuntu/ wallpapers:
- Rename correctly the 12.04 default wallpaper.
* usr/share/icons
- Add missing "yes" icons.
- Add missing power manager and battery icons (LP: #1051298)
- Add missing volume icons (LP: #1051307)
- Adjust panel icons. - 32. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/icons:
- Update icon theme.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ wallpapers/
- Add community wallpapers for 12.10.
* usr/share/lubuntu/ images/ 1210-logout- banner. png
- Minor logout tweak. - 31. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/icons:
- Update default icon theme.
- Update network-manager icon when using VPN (LP: #772709)
* debian/control & lubuntu-panel-icons. install
- Add a new binary for specific icons for the panel (only flags for now)
(LP: #1016014)
* usr/share/themes/ Lubuntu- default:
- Removing old reference to murrine (LP: #1037950)
* debian/lubuntu- artwork. install
- Add badges for unity-greeter (LP: #1035607)
* debian/control & lubuntu-elementary- icon-theme. install:
- Move the old icon theme into a new binary.
* debian/control:
- Update the decriptions of the icon themes.
* debian/rules:
- Update rules for the second icon theme.
* usr/share/lxdm/themes/ */
- Remove useless links. - 30. By Julien Lavergne
* usr/share/
themes/ Lubuntu- default:
- Fix the focus on the buttons on gtk2.
* usr/share/icons:
- Update to new Lubuntu Box icons theme.
* debian/control:
- Replace gtk2-engines-murrine depends by gtk2-engines since the gtk2 theme
use clearlooks only.
- Remove direct depends of lubuntu-artwork package for gtk engines.
* debian/lubuntu- icon-theme. install:
- Install only default lubuntu icon theme.
* debian/rules:
- Remove COPYING files in debian/tmp.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/ubuntu/saucy/lubuntu-artwork