
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

28. By Steve Langasek

 * Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
   - Handle removal of obsolete init script on upgrade.
   - Convert rpcbind to Upstart
   - Fix to look directly in /run instead of via the /var/run symlink
 * Dropped changes:
   - No dpkg pre-depends needed post-LTS, versioned dep also satisfied
     already in Debian stable.

27. By Steve Langasek

releasing version 0.2.0-8ubuntu1

26. By Steve Langasek

Merge version 0.2.0-8 from Debian unstable

25. By Steve Langasek

debian/rpcbind.portmap-wait.upstart: export ON_BOOT=y when starting
portmap from here; since portmap and statd will only race to start on
boot, and not when started from a maintainer script, we can assume that
the only time this 'start' command has any effect is at boot time, so
it's always correct to say ON_BOOT=y here. This fixes a problem with
racy startup of portmap causing other services that depend on portmap to
start too early. LP: #1007293.

24. By Steve Langasek

releasing version 0.2.0-7ubuntu2

23. By Steve Langasek

debian/rpcbind.portmap-wait.upstart: export ON_BOOT=y when starting
portmap from here; since portmap and statd will only race to start on
boot, and not when started from a maintainer script, we can assume that
the only time this 'start' command has any effect is at boot time, so
it's always correct to say ON_BOOT=y here. This fixes a problem with
racy startup of portmap causing other services that depend on portmap to
start too early. LP: #1007293.

22. By Steve Langasek

releasing version 0.2.0-7ubuntu1

21. By Steve Langasek

Merge version 0.2.0-7 from Debian

20. By Steve Langasek

releasing version 0.2.0-6ubuntu3.1

19. By Steve Langasek

also handle /var/run/rpcbind.sock

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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