
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/saucy-proposed/indicator-bluetooth
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

14. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* When the user chooses to toggle bluetooth on or off, if /dev/rfkill
  isn't available, fall back to toggling org.bluez.Adapter's Powered
  property. (LP: #1236249, #1230275)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 70

13. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* add an action whose state shows whether or not bluetooth is
  supported by the hardware, used by ubuntu-system-settings. (LP:

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 68

12. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* Update settings URL to settings:///system. (LP: #1231444)

[ Ted Gould ]
* Flip the dependency list so that ubuntu-system-settings doesn't get
  pulled in.

[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* Don't list autogenerated files as translation sources.

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 66

11. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* Use url-dispatcher instead of invoking system-settings directly.
  (LP: #1230819)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 62

10. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* Handle the change-state event rather than notify["state"] so that
  there won't be any inconsistency between the action's state and the
  killswitch -- ie, the state won't change unless the killswitch
  toggle succeeds.

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 60

9. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* Adds a title in the header's action state. (LP: #1223635)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 58

8. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* Don't use deprecated GSimpleActionGroup APIs.
* Since we're not using the gnome-bluetooth vapi file, we shouldn't
  bundle it.

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 56

7. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Charles Kerr ]
* Add phone profile. Export menus & actions using gio. Drops the gtk,
  dbusmenu, and libindicator build dependencies. Drops runtime
  dependency on gnome-blueooth in the phone profile.

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 53

6. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* debian/control:
  - Build with valac (>= 0.18) instead of vala-0.18 for easier transitions

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 51

5. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* debian/control:
  - breaks/replaces gnome-bluetooth (<< 3.6.1-0ubuntu2) (lp: #1123115)

[ Robert Ancell ]
* "Set Up New Deviceā€¦" item is missing (LP: #1116292)
* Does not support 'visible' gsettings key (LP: #1115394)
* Bluetooth menu appears when there are no Bluetooth adapters (LP:

[ Automatic PS uploader ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 49

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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