
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

33. By Iain Lane

debian/control: Remove libgnome-control-center-dev BD. This was broken
(OnlyShowIn=Unity instead of GNOME), and isn't wanted in GNOME anyway.
Keeping it there results in duplicate 'Security & Privacy' icons if you
have gnome-control-center installed. (LP: #1363721)

32. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/16_fix_links_in_ucc.patch:
  - Fix links from panel not showing in Unity Control Center (LP: #1306840)

31. By Iain Lane

Don't try to get properties if the interface doesn't have an owner, to
break a loop when whoopsie-preferences exits. (LP: #1261096)

30. By Iain Lane

* debian/patches/10_build-with-gee-0.8.patch: Port to gee 0.8 API to avoid
  loading two gee versions in the same process (LP: #1293036)
* 01_really_hide_automatic_reports.patch: Delete, this is obsolete given
  03_use_libwhoopsie-preferences.patch. Add 13_hide_automatic_reports.patch
  to achieve this with that new patch. (LP: #1203042)
* 11_make_all_widgets_sensitive.patch: Recursively make all widgets
  sensitive/insensitive when we need to, to avoid missing some.
* 12_hide_lock_unlock_button.patch: Hide Lock button when it doesn't do
  anything (when the user can't drop the permissions). (LP: #1239752)
* 14_seconds_combo.patch: Make the entries translatable. (LP: #1235627)

29. By Iain Lane

Unify the options between the 'brightness and lock' panel in g-c-c and
alm. (LP: #1278392)

28. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/08_directory_icons.patch:
  - Fix directory icons not being shown for known directories
* debian/patches/09_security_spacing.patch:
  - Fix inconsistent spacing on the security settings page

27. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/07_proxy_unref.patch:
  - Fix crash opening and closing security panel (LP: #1275736)

26. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/06_panel_width.patch:
* debian/patches/03_use_libwhoopsie-preferences.patch:
  - Stop control center panel from expanding too wide (LP: #1265239)

25. By Robert Ancell

* debian/rules:
  - Don't install Unity control center static library
* debian/patches/04_unity_control_center.patch:
  - Fix whoopsie panel not showing
* debian/patches/05_files_and_apps_description.patch:
  - Set descriptive text in Files and Applications tab to match design in
    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#files (LP: #1263123)

24. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/04_unity_control_center.patch:
  - Fix panel not working in GNOME control center (LP: #1274728)

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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