
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/trusty/calligra
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

49. By Iain Lane

Actually export the correct variable to use gcc/g++/cpp-4.7.

48. By Iain Lane

* Use GCC 4.7
* Add forgotten BD on nepomuk-core-dev

47. By Howard Chan

New bugfix upstream release.

46. By Howard Chan

New upstream release.

45. By Howard Chan

* Change build-dep of vc-dev to ! powerpc and armhf due to build issues
  of vc
* Updated copyright files to avoid copyright warnings

44. By Jonathan Riddell

Build-dep on vc-dev, package renamed from libvc-dev due to clash

43. By Jonathan Riddell

Add libvc-dev to build-depends for faster Krita painting
LP: #1144539

42. By Howard Chan

* Added the libkdeinit4_*.so files to get applications executable
* Updated the libkdeinit4_*.so files description
  from debian/not-installed so to remind people not to remove it.

41. By Howard Chan

* Remove libkdgantt.so.11 and libkdgantt.so.11.0.0 from
  calligra-libs.install to fix conflict with calligraplan
* Updated the control file for calligraplan and calligrawords-common to
  break/replace calligra-libs and calligra-data << 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu4

40. By Philip Muškovac

* Remove librcps_plan.so.11 and librcps_plan.so.11.0.0 from
  calligra-libs.install to fix conflict with calligraplan
* Move mobipocket exporter to calligrawords-common:
  - move words_Mobi_export.desktop from calligra-data
  - move exportMobi.so from calligra-libs
* calligraplan breaks/replaces calligra-libs << 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu2
* calligrawords-common breaks/replaces calligra-libs << 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu2
  and calligra-data << 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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