
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

25. By Corey Bryant

New upstream release (LP: #1299055).

24. By Chuck Short

New upstream release candidate (LP: #1299055).

23. By Chuck Short

[ James Page ]
* d/ceilometer-common.postinst: Only run db sync process if default sqlite
  connection is configured in /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf (LP: #1182964).

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release (LP: #1299055).

22. By Corey Bryant

New upstream release.

21. By Chuck Short

debian/patches/fix-requirements.patch: Explicity disable snmp.

20. By James Page

* d/p/default-dbconnection-sqlite.patch: Fix default sqlite connection URL.
* d/control: Fixup typo in notification agent description (LP: #1267127).

19. By Chuck Short

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/debian/patches/default-dbconnection-sqlite.patch: Refreshed.
* debian/patches/fix-setup-requirements.patch: Dropped no longer needed.
* debian/patches/skip-database-tests.patch: Dropped no longer needed.
* debian/patches/revert-keystone-compat.patch: Dropped no longer needed.
* debian/control:
  - Bump python-stevedore to 0.13.
  - Add python-croniter as a build dependency.
  - Suggest python-pysnmp4.
* debian/cielometer-common.install: Add ceilometer-sample

18. By Chuck Short

[ James Page ]
* d/control: Add python-jsonpath-rw to BD's.
* d/p/fix-setup-requirements.patch: Bump WebOb to support < 1.4.
 (LP: #1261101)

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream version.
* debian/control, debian/ceilometer-common.install: Split out
  ceilometer-alarm-evaluator and ceilometer-alarm-notifier into their
  own packages. (LP: #1250002)
* debian/ceilometer-agent-central.logrotate,
  debian/ceilometer-collector.logrotate: Add logrotate files,
  thanks to Ahmed Rahal. (LP: #1224223)
* Fix typos in upstart files.

17. By Chuck Short

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
  - Open icehouse release.
  - Renamed msgpack-python to python-msgpack.
  - Bump build dependency version for python-ceilometerclient,
    python-novaclient, python-keystoneclient, python-six,
* debian/patches/fix-setup-requirements.patch: Refreshed.
* debian/patches/skip-database-tests.patch: Refreshed.
* debian/rules: Temporarily disable testsuite.

[ Yolanda Robla ]
* debian/patches/fix-setup-requirements.patch: Refreshed.
* debian/patches/default-dbconnection-sqlite.patch: Refreshed
* debian/ceilometer-collector.install: Removed usr/bin/ceilometer-collector-udp
* Added ceilometer-agent-notification package:
  - debian/control: added ceilometer-agent-notification package
  - debian/ceilometer-agent-notification.*: added install, upstart
  - debian/tests: added ceilometer-agent-notification to tests
* debian/control: updated build-depends and depends versions

[ James Page ]
* debian/control: Add missing BD on python-mysqldb.

16. By Chuck Short

New upstream release (LP: #1236462).

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