
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

32. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Barry Warsaw ]
* New upstream release.
  - LP: #1284217 - When CheckForUpdate() is called a second time, while
    an auto-download is in progress, but after the first check is
    complete, we send an UpdateAvailableStatus signal with the cached
  - LP: #1287919 - Close a race condition when manually downloading and
    issuing multiple CheckForUpdate calls.
  - LP: #1278589 - Support disabling either HTTP or HTTPS services for
    custom system image servers.
  - Allow the channel.ini file to override the [service] section.
  - LP: #1287287 - Do not do atomic renames of temporary download files;
    ubuntu-download-manager now supports this by default.
  - LP: #1250817 - Exceptions in the state machine are caught and
    logged, with an appropriate error message added to
    UpdateAvailableStatus signals. These exceptions do not percolate up
    to the GLib main loop.
  - LP: #1279532 - During testing, pass the log dir argument to
* d/rules: Add override_dh_python3 rule to set shebang line to
  /usr/bin/python3. (LP: #1283277)
* d/patches/lp1284217.patch: Removed; applied upstream.

31. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Stéphane Graber ]
* New upstream release.
* Set X-Auto-Uploader to no-rewrite-version
* Set Vcs-Bzr to the new target branch

[ Barry Warsaw ]
* New upstream release.
  - LP: #1279056 - Internal improvements to SignatureError for
    better debugging.
  - LP: #1277589 - Better protection against race conditions.
  - LP: #1260768 - Return empty string from ApplyUpdate D-Bus method.
  - LP: #1284217 - Send UpdateAvailableStatus during auto-downloading
    from a previous CheckForUpdate, if cached status is available.
  - Request ubuntu-download-manager to download to a temporary location,
    with atomic rename.
  - More detailed logging.
  - Fixed D-Bus error logging.
  - Added -L flag to nose2 tests for explicitly setting log file path.
    which can be used to give virtualized buildds a fighting chance.
* d/patches/01_send_ack_on_applyupdate.diff: Removed; applied upstream.
* d/patches/lp1284217.patch: Added (see above).
* d/control:
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 with no other changes necessary.
  - Add python3-psutil as Depends to system-image-dev.
* d/rules: Set SYSTEMIMAGE_DBUS_DAEMON_HUP_SLEEP_SECONDS to 1 to deal with
  buildd dbus-daemon SIGHUP timing issues.

30. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

Fix ApplyUpdate() to return an empty string as per spec if the update
is successfull (LP: #1260712)

29. By Barry Warsaw

* New upstream release.
* d/control: Re-enable DEP-8 tests.
* d/tests/smoketest: A simpler test that shouldn't be susceptible to D-Bus
  flakiness in the autopkgtest VMs, but which does require network
  access to system-image.ubuntu.com (deemed okay as per pitti).

28. By Barry Warsaw

d/control: Commenting out XS-Testsuite to disable autopkgtests. The
DEP-8 tests are identical to the tox driven in-tree test suite, which
is also run at build time. In both of the latter two environments,
the tests pass just fine, but something about the autopkgtests Jenkins
environment causes flakiness in sockets and D-Bus which are
unreproducible locally.

27. By Barry Warsaw

No change rebuild to see if we get lucky with -proposed migration.

26. By Barry Warsaw

d/tests/control: Update autopkgtest dependency for nose2.

25. By Barry Warsaw

* New upstream release.
  - LP: #1256947 - Fix FTBFS on buildds.
* d/rules: Add fake https_proxy too, now that PyPI runs on https.

24. By Barry Warsaw

* New upstream release.
  - Fix some build environment test failures.

23. By Barry Warsaw

* New upstream release:
  - LP: #1240105 - Further refinement of permission checking/fixing.
  - LP: #1240106 - Work around some failures in DEP 8 tests.
* d/control: Point Vcs-Bzr and Vcs-Browser to the packaging branch.
* d/system-image-common.dirs: Add /var/log/system-image.
* d/rules, d/tests/unittests: Set $SYSTEMIMAGE_REACTOR_TIMEOUT to 1200
  seconds to avoid random timeout errors.
* d/system-image-common.postinst, system-image-common.postrm: debhelper
  scripts for ensuring the proper permissions and for purging directories.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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