
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/utopic-proposed/openstack-trove
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

19. By Chuck Short

New upstream release.

18. By Chuck Short

[ Corey Bryant ]
New upstream release candidate.

17. By James Page

* New upstream release candidate:
  - d/p/*: Refresh.
* d/watch: Only match versions starting with digits.

16. By Chuck Short

[ James Page ]

* New upstream release candidate:
  - d/control: Add python-netifaces to BD's.

[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/patches/fix-unit-tests.patch: Fixes random unittest breakage.

15. By James Page

* d/trove-common.postinst: Ensure permissions are set on /var/lib/trove
  before completing any db sync operations (LP: #1365561, #1359656).
* d/control: Drop dependency on dbconfig-common, unused.
* d/po/*: Drop, not used.
* d/trove-*.post*: Tidy up tab/space formatting.

14. By James Page

[ Corey Bryant ]
* Enable unit test execution (LP: #1347567):
  - d/rules: Execute tests during package build.
  - d/p/skip-tests.patch: Add patch to skip broken tests.

[ James Page ]
* New upstream milestone release.
* d/rules: Tidy surplus overrides.

13. By James Page

* New upstream beta for Juno release:
  - d/p/*: Refreshed.
  - d/control: Add python-neutronclient to (Build-)Depends.

12. By James Page

[ Chuck Short ]
* d/control,trove-conductor.{install,logrotate,upstart}:
  Add conductor package (LP: #1308523).
* d/trove-common.install: Install the correct configuration files
  (LP: #1308543).
* Split out the daemons into their binary packages.
* d/rules: Fail if binaries are missing.

[ James Page ]
* New upstream beta for Juno release.
* d/control: Update Vcs locations for bzr branch.
* d/control: Version debhelper correctly.
* d/control: Bump Standards-Version, no changes.
* d/control: Drop Pre-Depends for xz compression, no longer required.
* d/trove-common.install: Install trove-fake-mode.
* d/*.install: Split out configuration files alongside associated daemon
* d/control,*.install: Use dh-exec to rename configuration files
  during installation.
* d/*.logrotate: Add copyrotate option inline with Debian.
* d/*.postinst,postrm.*: Tidy obsolete dbconfig and pkg_os from
  maintainer scripts.
* d/trove-common.postinst: Tidy, only run db sync if sqlite is configured
  fix permissions on /var/log/trove (LP: #1308943).
* d/*.init: Re-instate init files from Debian for future systemd migration.
* d/trove-conductor.upstart: Use correct configuration file for conductor.
* d/p/patch-default-config-file.patch: Correct paths for sqlite DB, tune
  down default logging level.

11. By Chuck Short

Rebuild for sqlalchemy 0.9.

10. By Chuck Short

New upstream release (LP: #1299055).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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