
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

21. By Ricardo Salveti

* debian/patches/adding_media_role_property.patch:
  - Adding patch to allow apps to specify the media role to be used when
    playing audio
* Updating symbols with current build log

20. By Timo Jyrinki

* Build against Qt 5.3
* Move includes and change private headers cleanup accordingly
* Drop fix_failing_test.diff and bigendian_support.diff, merged upstream
* Sync with Debian

19. By Ricardo Salveti

Package qtmultimedia5-examples should depend on qml-module-qtmultimedia
instead of qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin

18. By Timo Jyrinki

* Sync with Debian, including renaming the QML module. Remaining changes:
  - Keep omitting OpenAL from build-deps and don't build Qt Audio Engine
  - Enable tests
  - Allow the -gles variant of Qt to co-exist via symbol files
  - Make the transitional package arch:any & multi-arch for successful
    cross-compiling when using the old package names as dependencies
  - Keep the bigendian_support patch
  - Don't bring the FreeBSD only backport patch
  - Keep libqt5multimedia5-plugins as a dependency to the QML module

17. By Ricardo Salveti

libqt5multimediawidgets5.symbols: adding dep alternatives for the
version compatible with OpenGLES (provided by another src pkg)

16. By Dmitry Shachnev

Update the previous patch to never do duplicate endianness

15. By Dmitry Shachnev

Add new patch to support big-endian systems (a second attempt to
fix LP: #1292364).

14. By Dmitry Shachnev

Fix test that was failing on powerpc (LP: #1292364).

13. By Timo Jyrinki

[ Omer Akram ]
* Run unittests during build, disable flaky tests (LP: #1193370)

[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* New upstream release
* Update *.install
* Merge Debian packaging 5.2.0-1, remaining changes:
  - Keep omitting OpenAL from build-deps
  - Don't build Qt Audio Engine
  - Enable tests
* Update symbols

12. By Timo Jyrinki

* Add libqt5multimedia5-plugins dependency to QML plugin (LP: #1202996)
* Drop Qt Audio Engine for now to not bring OpenAL dependency

Branch metadata

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