
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

60. By Chris Glass

* New upstream version:
  - Fix platform detection on POWER machines (LP: #1271615)
  - Fix platform detection for arm64 machines (LP: #1306824)
  - Added a mechanism to set the client's user-agent (LP: #1399139)
  - Fixed release-upgrader not asking for a seesion ID before attempting to
    send a message (LP: #1401867)

59. By Andreas Hasenack

* New upstream version:
  - Fix regression occurring when performing Landscape-driven release
    upgrades (LP: #1389686)
  - Fix regression occurring when switching the client between different
    Landscape servers (LP #376134)
  - Support reporting QEMU virtualization (LP: #1374501)
  - Bump Juju integration message format (LP: #1369635, LP: #1362506)
  - Drop provisioning registration message (LP: #1362506)
  - Drop cloud registration message (LP: #1342646)
  - Fix handling broken packages (LP: #1326940)
  - Add new Swift usage message type (LP: #1320236)

58. By Andreas Hasenack

landscape-sysinfo should ignore non existent or unreadable default
config files. (LP: #1293990)

57. By Andreas Hasenack

Added missing python-configobj dependency to -common (LP: #1283716)

56. By Andreas Hasenack

* New upstream release: 14.01
* Dropped unity-control-center patch, already applied upstream

55. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/unity-control-center.patch:
  - Show in both GNOME control center and Unity control center (LP: #1257505)

54. By Chris Glass

* New release: 13.07.3
  - The metadata.d/ directory was renamed to annotations.d/ (LP: #1226087)
  - Metadata exchange mechanism now uses the less ambiguous term
    "annotations" instead of "metadata". (LP: #1226597)

53. By Chris Glass

* New upstream version (LP: #1190510)
 - New metadata exchange mechanism allows clients to send any key-value data
   to the landscape server (LP: #1123932)
 - Network devices now report their maximum theoretical speeds, and duplex
   status to landscape-server (LP: #1126330, LP: #1130130)
 - Landscape.client is now HA aware when HA is implemented using juju
   charms (LP: #1122508)
 - The landscape client will now trigger a reboot if server sends a
   reboot-required message. (LP: #1133005)
 - Big AMP code cleanup and refactoring in order to improve testing, improve
   performance and ease future maintainability (LP: #1165047, LP: #1169102,
   LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669,
   LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669, LP: #1170669)
 - Added logic to detect cloned (virtual) computers (LP: #1161856)
 - The landscape-client and landscape-common packages do not use or depend
   on dbus code anymore, and the dependencies to python-gi and gudev are
   dropped. The hardware info plugin now looks at /proc instead of querying
   DBus (LP: #1175553, LP: #1180691)
 - The ceph manager plugin is now a monitor plugin and thus does not require
   root privileges anymore. (LP: #1186973)
 - The detection logic for virtual machine was changed to account for the
   different semantics between Openstack Folsom and Grizzly, and was
   expanded to detect more hypervisors (LP: #1191843)
 - Removed legacy upgrader code from postinst since support for it was
 - French translation patches were removed since the changes were merged
 - Removed legacy upgrader from postinst.
 - The /etc/dbus-1/system.d/landscape.conf file was moved from the
   landscape-common package to the landscape-client-ui as part of
   LP: #1175553, LP: #1180691. The added "Replaces:" stanza does not need
   an equivalent "Breaks:" since packages depend on each other with a
   strictly equal version number, avoiding the case described in

52. By Andreas Hasenack

Fixed sed command that updated registration_key (LP: #1131355).

51. By Andreas Hasenack

Added some fixes to the French translation file.

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