
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu/vivid/openstack-trove
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

26. By James Page

* Ensure package tests pass on 32 and 64 bit systems (LP: #1446174):
  - d/p/fix-intlong-test.patch: Check for int *and* long values as valid
    types for max/min parameters.

25. By Chuck Short

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
  - d/control: Align with upstream dependencies.
  - d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Dropped
  - d/p/patch-default-config-file.patch: Rebased

[ James Page ]
* d/rules,control: Tweak unit test execution, add subunit to BD's.

24. By Chuck Short

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
  - d/control: Align with upstream dependencies.
  - d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Rebased
  - d/p/patch-default-config-file.patch: Rebased

[ James Page ]
* d/rules,control: Tweak unit test execution, add subunit to BD's.

23. By Chuck Short

[ Corey Bryant ]
* New upstream release.
  - d/control: Align with upstream dependencies.
  - d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Rebased.
  - d/p/patch-default-config-file.patch: Rebased.

22. By Corey Bryant

* Rebuild to pick up pkgos upstart generation fix.
  - d/control: Bump openstack-pkg-tools to ensure upstart fix inclusion.

21. By Corey Bryant

* Systemd enablement:
  - d/control: Add dh-systemd and openstack-pkg-tools to BD's.
  - d/rules: Enable use of pkgos, tidyup generated init files.
  - d/*.init.in: Convert *.init to pkgos template configurations.
  - d/*.upstart,*.init: Drop in preference to generated files.
* d/control,compat: Bump debhelper compat level to 9.
* d/*.logrotate,trove-common.logrotate: Move to single logrotate

20. By Corey Bryant

[ Chuck Short ]
* Open up for vivid.
* debian/control: Update bzr branches.

[ Corey Bryant ]
* New upstream release.
  - d/control: Align requirements with upstream.
  - d/watch: Update uversionmangle for kilo beta naming.
  - d/p/fix-requirements: Align requirements with Ubuntu.
* d/control: Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.6.

19. By Chuck Short

New upstream release.

18. By Chuck Short

[ Corey Bryant ]
New upstream release candidate.

17. By James Page

* New upstream release candidate:
  - d/p/*: Refresh.
* d/watch: Only match versions starting with digits.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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