- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ubuntu-core-dev/apparmor/master
Branch merges
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 1514. By Jamie Strandboge
patches/ parser- allow-unspec- in-network- rules.patch: Allow
apparmor_parser to support rules that use 'unspec' as the network protocol
family. (LP: #1546455) - 1513. By Jamie Strandboge
apparmor (2.10-3ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/apparmor. init,apparmor. upstart, debian/ lib/apparmor/ functions:
clear only the system cache if apparmor version has changed on snappy
flavors since snappy will handle the app's cache itself
- debian/apparmor. install: install tunables/home.d and
tunables/multiarch. d
- debian/apparmor- utils.dirs: install usr/bin and usr/share/apparmor
- debian/control:
+ make libnotify-bin a Suggests rather than a Recommends since it is
assumed to already be installed on the desktop and so server
environments don't have to pull in a lot of X dependencies
(LP: #1061879)
+ apparmor-easyprof in section 'admin'
+ apparmor Depends on initramfs-tools | linux-initramfs-tool [linux-any]
+ apparmor Breaks on lightdm (<< 1.11.8-0ubuntu2~),
lxc (<< 1.1.0~alpha1-0ubuntu5~ )
- drop debian/patches/ reproducible- pdf.patch (not applied in series)
* drop debian/patches/ fix-abstraction -for-python3. 5.patch in favor of
* debian/patches/ series: comment out notify-group.patch
* debian/patches/ non-linux. patch: refresh
* debian/patches/ r3366-networkd. patch: use this instead of dropped Ubuntu
lp1529074.patch for NetworkManager and networkd support-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Tue, 16 Feb 2016 08:49:31 -0600
apparmor (2.10-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
[ intrigeri ]
* Drop libapparmor-mention- dbus-method- in-getcon- man.patch (Closes: #800132) [ Felix Geyer ]
* Update python abstraction for python 3.5.
- Pull r3277-update-python- abstraction. patch from upstream -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden> Mon, 25 Jan 2016 22:50:13 +0100
apparmor (2.10-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Felix Geyer ]
* Apply aa-status-dont_require_ python3- apparmor. patch, to keep
the hard dependencies of the apparmor binary package minimal.
* python{,3}-apparmor: require at least the same upstream version
of python{,3}-libapparmor . [ intrigeri ]
* Drop abstractions-ubuntu- browsers. patch: integrated upstream
(in a slightly different way).
* debian/control: don't start short description with capital letter.
(Closes: #795434)
* r3227-locale-indep-capabilit ies-sorting. patch: cherry-pick from upstream,
to make (more of?) the build reproducible. (Closes: #797415)
* Merge from ubuntu-citrain up to revision 1578, that is changes brought
by 2.10-0ubuntu3 to 2.10-0ubuntu6.
* Upload to unstable.-- intrigeri <email address hidden> Tue, 18 Aug 2015 09:48:54 +0200
apparmor (2.10-1) experimental; urgency=medium
[ intrigeri ]
* Merge ubuntu-citrain up to revision 1575, except:
- previously documented changes
- debian/patches/ aa-status- dont_require_ python3- apparmor. patch:
don't apply, only relevant for Ubuntu Phone
* debian/patches/ r3209-dnsmasq- allow-dash: cherry-pick from upstream.
* debian/patches/ pass-compiler- flags.patch: refresh.
* Update upstream signing key.
* apparmor-utils: make the Depends on python3-apparmor versioned.
(Closes: #785436)
* Override the "apparmor source: usr-lib-perl5-mentioned rules" error.
We replace usr/lib/perl5 with the corresponding multiarch path
in debian/rules, as a consequence this file contains this string.
* python-apparmor, python3-apparmor: add Lintian overrides for
the extended-description- is-probably- too-short tag.
* debian/control: stuff out a bit apparmor-utils' extended description.[ Felix Geyer ]
* Add Brazilian Portuguese translation of debconf messages.
Thanks to Adriano Rafael Gomes. (Closes: #788342)
* Use dh_apparmor from this source package for apparmor-profiles.
(Closes: #656451)
* Make debian/rules safer:
- Add set -e to loops.
- Use "&&" when chaining shell commands.-- intrigeri <email address hidden> Thu, 13 Aug 2015 23:42:10 +0200
- 1511. By Martin Pitt
Call systemd-detect-virt instead of the Ubuntu specific
running-in-container wrapper. (LP: #1539016) - 1509. By Jamie Strandboge
* debian/
patches/ lp1529074. patch: for systems using networkd, add read on
/run/systemd/ resolve/ resolv. conf (LP: #1529074)
* No change rebuild for perl 5.22
* debian/patches/ fix-abstraction -for-python3. 5.patch: adjust python
abstraction for python 3.5
* debian/apparmor. init,apparmor. upstart: clear only the system cache if
apparmor version has changed on snappy flavors since snappy will handle
the app's cache itself
* debian/lib/apparmor/ functions:
- compile /var/lib/snappy/ apparmor/ profiles policy
- add compare_previous_ version( )
- refactor clear_cache()
- compare_and_save_ debsums( ) checks if $PROFILES_VAR exists
* debian/libapparmor- dev.manpages: add 5 missing libapparmor manpages
(LP: #1491147, LP: #1384431)
* Rebuild against python3.5.
* debian/patches/ parser- fix-cache- file-mtime- regression. patch: Fix a bug
that resulted in the mtime of generate policy cache files to be set
incorrectly. The mtime of cache files should be the newest mtime detected
on the profile and abstraction files used to generate the policy cache
file. However, the bug caused the mtime of the policy cache file to either
not be updated or to be updated to an incorrect time. (LP: #1484178)
* debian/patches/ parser- verify- cache-file- mtime.patch: Add tests to verify
that the policy cache file's mtime is being set correctly and that cache
handling is correct when the profile or abstraction files are newer than
the policy cache file.
* debian/patches/ parser- run-caching- tests-without- apparmorfs. patch,
debian/patches/ parser- do-cleanup- when-test- was-skipped. patch: Enable the
caching tests to run on the buildds even though apparmorfs isn't mounted.
* debian/patches/ aa-status- dont_require_ python3- apparmor. patch:
make aa-status(8) work even when python3-apparmor is not installed,
otherwise dh_apparmor postinst snippets can fail (LP: #1480492)
* debian/control: make apparmor-utils depend on the same package
version of python3-apparmor
* Update to apparmor 2.10
- libapparmor added functions to ease loading profile cache files to
help support systemd on-demand load of policy (LP: #1385414)
- apparmor parser: fixed policy generation to allow matching
embedded NULs in abstract unix socket names (LP: #1413410)
- aa-status: don't traceback when not permitted to read current
set of apparmor policy (LP: #1466768)
- aa-logprof: don't crash on policies that have an #include of a
directory (LP: #1471425)
- aa-logprof: fix crash when network rejections occur when file
operations are performed on network sockets (LP: #1466812)
* dropped reproducible-pdf.patch, incorporated upstream
* debian/patches/ tests-fix_ sysctl_ test.patch: fix sysctl test failure
with 4.1 kernel and newer.
* debian/control: add alternate dependency on linux-initramfs-tool
(LP: #1109029)
* debian/libapparmor1. symbols: update symbols file for added symbols
in libapparmor
* No-change rebuild for python3.5 transition
* Update to apparmor 2.9.2
- Fix minitools to work with multiple profiles at once (LP: #1378095)
- Parse mounts that have non-ascii UTF-8 chars (LP: #1310598)
- Update dovecot profiles (LP: #1296667)
- Allow ubuntu-helpers to build texlive fonts (LP: #1010909)
* dropped patches incorporated upstream:
add-mir-abstraction- lp1422521. patch, systemd- dev-log- lp1413232. patch
parser-fix_modifier_ compilation_ +_tests. patch,
tests-fix_systemd_ breakage_ in_pivot_ root-lp1436109. patch,
GDM_X_authority- lp1432126. patch, and
debian/patches/ easyprof- framework- policy. patch
* Partial merge with debian apparmor package:
- debian/rules: enable the bindnow hardening flag during build.
- debian/upstream/ signing- key.asc: add new upstream public
signing key
- debian/watch: fix watch file, add gpg signature checking
- install libapparmor.so dev symlink under /usr not /lib
- debian/patches/ reproducible- pdf.patch: make techdoc.pdf
reproducible even in face of timezone variations.
- debian/control: sync fields
- debian/debhelper/ postrm- apparmor: remove
/etc/apparmor. d/{disable, } on package purge
- debian/libapache2- mod-apparmor. postrm: on package purge, delete
/etc/apparmor. d/{,disable} if empty
- debian/libapparmor1. symbols: Use Build-Depends- Package in the
symbols file.
- debian/copyright: sync
* Make debian/lib/apparmor/ profile- load executable. - 1508. By Jamie Strandboge
[ Steve Beattie ]
* debian/rules: run make check on the libapparmor library
* add-chromium-browser. patch: add support for chromium policies
(LP: #1419294)
* debian/apparmor. {init,upstart} : add support for triggering
aa-profile-hook runs when packages are updated via snappy system
image updates (LP: #1434143)
* parser-fix_modifier_ compilation_ +_tests. patch: fix compilation
of audit modifiers for exec and pivot_root and deny modifiers on
link rules as well as significantly expand related tests
(LP: #1431717, LP: #1432045, LP: #1433829)
* tests-fix_systemd_ breakage_ in_pivot_ root-lp1436109. patch: work
around pivot_root test failures due to init=systemd (LP: #1436109)
* GDM_X_authority-lp1432126. patch: add location GDM creates Xauthority
file to X abstraction (LP: #1432126)
[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* easyprof-framework- policy. patch: add --include- templates- dir and
--include-policy- groups- dir options to easyprof to support framework
policy on snappy
[ Robie Basak ]
* Add /lib/apparmor/profile- load; moved from
/lib/init/apparmor- profile- load from the upstart package. A wrapper at
the original path is now provided by init-system-helpers. (LP: #1432683) - 1507. By Jamie Strandboge
sync with citrain branch. We should really not be maintaining two branches
- 1505. By Martin Pitt
Ship libapparmor in /lib instead of /usr as we want to use it in systemd
now. (LP: #1397960)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/apparmor/2.12