
Created by Brian Murray and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu Core Development Team

Recent revisions

2889. By Brian Murray

releasing package update-manager version 1:

2888. By Brian Murray

* UpdateManager/UpdateManager.py: when refreshing the cache and encountering
  an error return rather than trying to use the undefined cache which causes
  crashes. Additionally, don't present the dialog with a "Try Again" button
  which won't do anything. (LP: #1826213)
* Fix hang in apturl-gtk. (LP: #1874591)
* Fix crash in snap updates when refreshing the cache fails. (LP: #1880987)

2887. By Brian Murray

releasing package update-manager version 1:20.04.10

2886. By Brian Murray

Fix intermittent hang during snap updates (LP: #1874469).

2885. By Brian Murray

releasing package update-manager version 1:20.04.9

2884. By Brian Murray

Add ubuntu-security-status - a tool for displaying information about
packages installed and the kind of updates which they may or may not
receive. (LP: #1873362)

2883. By Brian Murray

releasing package update-manager version 1:20.04.8

2882. By Brian Murray

Remove ubuntu-support-status as the term support can be confusing and the
Supported field has been removed from Launchpad packages.

2881. By Łukasz Zemczak

Finalise changelog

2880. By Łukasz Zemczak

Display progress on snap updates and error out on failure

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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