
Created by Brian Murray and last modified
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Ubuntu Core Development Team

Recent revisions

2858. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu64

2857. By Brian Murray

apport/hookutils.py: Do not crash when deleting CasperMD5json from the
report. (LP: #1923541)

2856. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu63

2855. By Brian Murray

etc/apport/crashdb.conf: Disable Launchpad crash reports for 21.04

2854. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu62

2853. By Brian Murray

apport/hookutils.py: root access is needed to read the
casper-md5check.json file so switch to using that. (LP: #1922937)

2852. By Brian Murray

data/general-hooks/ubuntu.py: improving tagging of bugs from images we
create so that they are tagged $arch-image and better identify Raspberry
Pi devices (LP: #1920837). Thanks to Dave Jones for the patch.

2851. By Brian Murray

apport/hookutils.py: spawn pkttyagent so that log files can be gathered as
root in a non-graphical environment (LP: #1821415). Thanks to Iain Lane
for the patch.

2850. By Brian Murray

releasing package apport version 2.20.11-0ubuntu61

2849. By Brian Murray

data/general-hooks/ubuntu.py: tag bugs from Raspberry Pi images and RISCV
images appropriately. (LP: #1920837)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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