
Created by Michael Vogt and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu Core Development Team
Software Updater

Recent revisions

2116. By Michael Vogt

* check-new-release-gtk:
  - ensure to write a integer when calculating the next time that
    the release available window will be presented (LP: #873424)
  - hide redundant release-notes button (LP: #873432)

2115. By Michael Vogt

* add in an apport package hook to increase the quality of update-manager
  bug reports (LP: #797894)

* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
  - automatic refresh of the mirror list
* utils/update-base-installer.sh:
  - use natty as the base-installer source in the natty branch

2114. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 1:0.150.2

2113. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
  - remove "kde-plasmoid-cwp" early as it will break upgrades
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeCache.py:
  - do not fail if not all meta-package can not be upgraded, packages
    like ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop have implicit conflicts
    LP: #775411

2112. By Michael Vogt

* debian/control:
  - point to "natty" branch

2111. By Michael Vogt

remove "kde-plasmoid-cwp" early as it will break upgrades
later (LP: #773022)

2110. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 1:0.150.1

2109. By Michael Vogt

  - do not report zero size attachments (LP: #772052)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
  - enable apport for distribution upgrades (LP: #772913)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py:
  - use service to start apport

2108. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 1:0.150.2

2107. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeApport.py:
  - do not report zero size crashfiles (LP: #772052)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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