
Created by Kyle Nitzsche and last modified
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Ubuntu Developer's Manual Team

Recent revisions

5. By Chris Woollard

Added a script to build a epub file after the doctemplate_make book-epub has been run

4. By Kyle Nitzsche

pass arg to deploy.sh that is an absolute path to a LINGUAS file and
rebuild all modules for the contained linguas such that deploy-<lingua>
has fully localized html (translations and images) regardless of any book
or module LINGUAS file contents. that is: build for the linguas in the
stated file. upate pots and make/update pos. and build.

3. By Kyle Nitzsche

fixing up scripts

2. By Kyle Nitzsche

fix up deploy.sh

1. By Kyle Nitzsche

scripts used for ubuntu-developer-guide.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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