
Created by Cris Dywan and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu SDK team
Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

1865. By Cris Dywan

Name .api after QML import

1864. By Cris Dywan

Enable apicheck to be in charge of verification (diff)

1863. By Cris Dywan

Add -api package containing .api description file

1862. By Cris Dywan

Make apicheck a first class binary and drop shellscripts

1861. By Benjamin Zeller

Make sure objects are initialized with extra properties before they are instantiated in the QML engine.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zoltan Balogh.

1860. By Tim Peeters

Use the correct string for skipping tests on x86_64 .

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Timo Jyrinki.

1859. By Loïc Molinari

Fixed performance monitor crash because of a NULL timer pointer dereference. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1546986.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zoltan Balogh.

1858. By Loïc Molinari

Fixed performance monitor dangling pointer crash. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1546984.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

1857. By Loïc Molinari

[ProportionalShape] Ensured width/height ratio is correct with default values. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1546546.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

1856. By Loïc Molinari

Added a workaround to prevent a crash while changing the QPA scale factor.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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