
Created by Cris Dywan and last modified
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Ubuntu SDK team
Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

2101. By Cris Dywan

Use displayText to determine if the clear button should show

2100. By Cris Dywan

Correctly test and fix trigger override of ComboButton. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1614045.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

2099. By Loïc Molinari

Made use of Qt builtin to check GCC version.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Benjamin Zeller.

2098. By Loïc Molinari

Cleaned up ubuntu_qt_module.prf and the libs using it.

1/ Moved the common config options from the pro files to the prf file to avoid duplications and simplify the files.

2/ Removed the useless "TEMPLATE=lib" and "load(qt_build_config)" lines from the pro files since it's done for us by qt_module.prf.

3/ Use QT= instead of QT*= since it's well defined that by default its content is "core gui".

4/ Prefixed headers and sources by $$PWD/ and sorted the lines alphabetically.

5/ Merged the SOURCES declarations in UbuntuToolkit.pro.

6/ Removed the useless "DEFINES += QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER" line from UbuntuToolkit.pro since it's done for us by qt_module.prf.

7/ Removed the useless "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -Werror=deprecated-declarations" and "DEFINES -= QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS" lines from UbuntuToolkit.pro since it's already done in ubuntu_qt_module.prf.

8/ Added a few comments.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

2097. By Loïc Molinari

Fixed, cleaned up and standardised header inclusions.

Apart from the clean up and the readability improvements, this fixes a bunch of broken private header inclusions (#include "foo_p.h" in private headers instead of "private/foo_p.h" or better <Project/private/foo_p.h>), now all the private headers of the UITK can be included by the users withour compilation issues. It also removes a bunch of direct includes from sources and a few INCLUDEPATHs hacks.

See the CODING file for more details.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

2096. By Tim Peeters

Use the new arrow icons from the suru-icon-theme in the scrolling ActionBar.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zoltan Balogh.

2095. By Zsombor Egri

New visuals for ProgressBar. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1587176.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2094. By Loïc Molinari

Fixed the build as a Qt submodule.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Benjamin Zeller, Zoltan Balogh.

2093. By Tim Peeters

Improve the initialization of Action when it gets both iconName and iconSource from an external component when iconSource is undefined. This fixes the some times missing overflow button in the ActionBar with Qt 5.6.

I also removed action: modelData from the OverflowPanel because this is already set automatically in ActionSelectionPopover after everything is initialized. That fixes a ReferenceError in OverflowPanel with Qt 5.6. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1616858.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2092. By Loïc Molinari

Moved internal tools meant to generate code for the toolkit lib from the QML module directory to the lib directory where it makes more sense.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

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