- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ubuntu-server-dev/keystone/debian-merge
Branch merges
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 76. By Chuck Short
* Update db sync to sync_database in postinst. (LP: #930444)
* New upstream version.
* Update db sync to sync_database in postinst. (LP: #930444) - 75. By Chuck Short
+ debian/rules:
- Removed extra cruft.
+ debian/rules, keystone.upstart. in, keystone.init.d.in:
Added detection for init scripts if we are building for
Ubuntu or Debian and do the apporiate action.
* debian/keystone. postinst, debian/ keystone. upstart. in:
Change keystone user shell to /bin/false. - 74. By Chuck Short
+ debian/control:
- Update Vcs information.
- Added dependency of python-dateutil.
- Suggest python-ldap, and python-memcached.
- Updated description.
- Add lsb-base dependency.
- Removed libjs-jquery. - 72. By Chuck Short
* New usptream version.
* debian/control: Add python-migrate as a build depends.
* Merge Ubuntu/Debian Openstack packaging: - 70. By Chuck Short
debian/control: Moved python-prettytable and added
python-dateutil as a build dependency. - 68. By Daniel Polehn
* Fix bad manpage formatting causing missing spaces (LP: #907206)
* Adding python-prettytable to dependency. (LP: #922954)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)