Created by
Natalia Bidart
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntuone-control-panel
Members of
Ubuntu One Control Tower
can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
Branch merges
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dependent on this one.
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu One Control Tower
- Project:
- Ubuntu One Control Panel
- Review team:
- Ubuntu One hackers
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 410. By Robert Ancell
Show installer in both GNOME control center and Unity control center
- 409. By Mike McCracken
- Prompt user to re-login with SSO if UnauthorizedError is raised by web client. (LP: #1248326)
- 408. By dobey
Include the scheme and host in the timestamp test, as new oauthlib bails on signing if the values are not included in the URI.
- 407. By Mike McCracken
- Fix a lint issue that was causing build failure on saucy
- 406. By Natalia Bidart
- Allow Ubuntu One base url to be overridden using env var.
- 404. By Alejandro J. Cura
- Force a fake timestamp for the webclient tests (LP:#1186294).
- 401. By Mike McCracken
- Work around Qt issue where search files popup frame was not hidden after switching to another tab. (LP: #1152388)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)